2p! America X Reader: Suicidal {Fluff}

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Another 2p! Murica. Got the idea from the picture above! My baby don't deserve to feel that way!!! I'm watching We Need to Talk About Kevin and holy fuck, the little prick is a demon. No child is that terrible!

Also, I know Allen has piercing's, but ya know. I really like the song I added in with this. It's super peppy for a song about suicide


The past few days, you've noticed somethings been going on with your boyfriend, Allen.

He's been quiet, which is a shocker all on its own, but he's also been hiding from you and, another big shocker, refusing intercourse. That's not normal! Usually he's all over you, especially when you don't want him to be.

You already know he's not cheating. He might be a dick, but he would never do that. Plus, it's not like he needs too, you're fulfilling all his 'manly needs', as he likes... or rather liked, to call them.

A small frown on your face, you push the front door open.

Your day kind of sucked, even though you did get off early, and now you're hoping Allen will be feeling better, and be in the mood to just cuddle together.

"Al? You home?"

You know he is. His truck is in the driveway.

Still, you don't get an answer.

A piece of paper tapped to the fridge catches your attention. Tearing it off, you read the note, expecting it to be about him going for a walk or some shit... but you hadn't expected this shit.

'Dear (y/n),

I know I don't show it too well, but I hope you know I truely do love you. That's why I'm doing this... you, along with the world, deserves better than me. I'm worthless, but you can't seem to see that. I'm sorry I've been distant lately, but I couldn't put my troubles on your shoulders. All I can do is end them. As you're reading this, I'll probably be dead already, or close to death. Don't blame yourself, this was my choice... you deserve so much more than me babe...'

Shock has you frozen on the spot, unable to move. No way... this is a cruel joke, right? Allen wouldn't... he's a happy person, he wouldn't kill himself!

Eyes starting to brim with tears, you run up the stairs, going three at a time.

"Allen!" You hear a loud curse, and the sound of something falling.

He hasn't done it yet!

Slamming into the door, you're surprised to find it wasn't locked, as you'd expected, and go barreling into the washroom, knocking Allen and yourself over in the process.

The dark haired males face is stained with tears, and he stares up at you with wide, watery eyes.

"What are you doing home now?"

You don't respond to him, hugging him tightly and burying your face in his shoulder.

"Allen you dumb fuck... don't even think about it!"

He sniffles, wrapping his arms around you.

"But I'm worthle-"

Pulling away from him, your eyes light up in anger. You slap him before he can finish his sentance.

"Don't! You are everything Al! Do you hear me? I love you, and I can't live without you, so don't you dare say that shit to me!"

Allen sits up with you still straddling his legs.

It's your turn to look up at him now, unaware of the tears pouring down your face.

"You're perfect Allen Jones, and if you ever say otherwise I'll slap you again!"

Lower lip quivering, he pulls you into his chest, whimpering weakly.

Not something you hear everyday, no. It's painful to hear such weak, sad sounds coming from the mighty Al.

Soon, you feel the dampness of his tears on your head, which makes your tears start flowing again as you nuzzle him affectionatly.

His strong, tanned arms tighten around you as he sobs harder, fingers gripping your shirt desperately.

This seems to go on for hours, the both of you crying in each other's arms.

Al eventually pulls away, making you look up at him with gentle force.

He wipes your tears away, deep red eyes never moving from your (e/c) ones.

"I'm sorry... I love you. I didn't want you to get hurt anymore than you needed too..."

A small laugh escapes you as your lips capture Allen's, kissing him gently.

"Shut up Al... it would've hurt me more than anything if you'd actually done it... please don't ever kill yourself Al. I need you."

Nodding, he leans against your shoulder, kissing it gently.

"Okay babe... I promise I'll never hurt you again."


Welp... beautiful. I think imma write one of these with a different character where they actually end up dying haahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah, yes. I'm doing it, try and stop me.

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