Switzerland X Reader: War {Part Two}

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I think my dad thinks I'm at school... it's 1:30 and he hasn't came in to bug me yet...

ANYWAYS! I hope you enjoooooooy!


You'd spent a whole month with Lili and Vash.

For some reason, they were insanely hospitable, especially since you were an enemy soldier, that they don't really know.

Vash hardly ever left Lili's side, and the time he spent when he did, was lying in the soft grass outside, staring at the clear sky.

You'd joined him once. He didn't really seem to mind... in fact, he ended up holding your hand. It wasn't exactly holding though. It was more like, he shakily brushed his fingers against yours, before bolting.

The war ended that month you were there. Your side, the (c/n)'s side, lost.

When you found out, you'd started crying. Not because your people had been conquered, but because it was finally over. Ten whole years of watching everybody you cared about, die.

But that's beside the fact.

The point is, the war is over. You can go home in peace, to what's left of your family. Your grandparents and your sister who was, thankfully, still too young to join.

Vash went silent when you told him why you had to leave.

He'd just stared, for God knows how long, before his eyes started watering up a bit.

This came as a shock to you, but before you could really ask him what was wrong, he scowled and turned his back on you.

"Fine!" His voice was laced with hate, but still cracking with sadness. "Go ahead, it's your life."

With that, he'd stormed away.

Lili was there as well. She'd simply given you a look of sadness, and said, "That's alright (y/n)... it's been a pleasure having you here! Just make sure to let us know if you've gotten back safely."

There was a moment of silence after you'd agreed with her, before you hugged her quickly.

"Thank you so much... for everything." She smiled lightly, not hiding her tears as her brother did.

"It was no problem... could you go say goodbye to Vash? He'll miss you even more than I will."

Of course, you did as she asked. For such a young girl, she's very mature. Most likely the effects of war.

So, you'd went outside, to where Vash had ran.

He was sprawled in the grass, staring not at the sky, but blankly to side.

"Vash..." He jumped a bit as you whispered his name. There was heavy silence, before Vash sat up, stunning green eyes locked on yours.

You helped him stand up, but once you were both standing, face to face, neither one letting go of the others hand.

"Do you have to go..." You can tell he was trying his hardest to stay strong by the way his grip on your hand tightend

You nodded.

"I'm sorry Vash... I don't want to, but I have too. My family needs me..."

As the words left your mouth, he pulled you into a hug, holding you tightly.

"I understand... please don't forget me (y/n)."

You nodded again, into his shoulder this time. There was a moment of just staying in each other's grip, making sure to remember every piece of the other as you could, before you both pulled reluctantly away.

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