Organic Maple: Innocence {Lemon}

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Day one: Babysitter asked if I have a boyfriend... little does she know, I prefer women. Oops. This is mostly for my best friend, who brainstormed this with me.

I'm kink shaming myself for this already, don't worry. There's not really any kinks, but still. Kinkshame for days. I'm sorry this is shit I can't write.


Just like everybody else in this world, Allen finds everything about his precious little boyfriend endearing.

He's just the sweetest thing, so small and cuddly and shy...

Yet, unlike everybody else, Allen gets to see both sides to Mr. Matthew Williams.

Allen knows how sexy and seducing the small man can be, even more so when he's doing it 'accidentally'.

He walks around in Allen's oversized shirts, blushing almost uncontrollably as Allen watches his every movement, but he knows what he's doing, and he enjoys it.

Matthew loves watching Allen get hot and bothered for him... and today is one of those days where he's gonna work his magic.

Allen's breath catches in his throat as he enters the kitchen, his eyes landing on the small blonde, who's hips are swaying in time to the calming rhythm of his music.

That's fine and all, but Mattie's wearing something a bit... different today.

His tan shorts end a little less than halfway up his thighs, clinging perfectly to his small frame.

His large sweatshirt hangs over his hands, making him look smaller and even more innocent than usual.

Allen smirks, sitting down on the table. Oh what a show this is gonna be.

His legs crossed at the ankles, Allen's sharp eyes follow his Canadian boyfriend around the kitchen... more specifically, his amazing ass.

Matthew feels Allen's intense gaze on him, making him blush deeply as a rather strong sense of pride fills him.

He quickly finishes up his cooking, plating the perfect pancakes.

Turning, he blushes harder as Allens crimson eyes connect with his, already burning with lust.

He shyly places the plate in front of Allen, kissing him with feather soft lips.

"G-Good morning Al..." His gentle voice makes Allen smirk a bit more, the hesitant beginnings of an idea popping into his head.

With a sudden movement, Allen pulls Mattie onto his lap, grinning happily at the small shriek he makes.

"Feed me Mattie~" Allen whispers against Matthew's neck, making the young man blush harder, a small shiver running down his spine.

"B-but... You can feed yourself, c-can't you?" Allens grin grows again as he kisses Mattie's neck gently.

"I can, but I want you to feed me." A shark like grin, and a small snicker. "If you dont, I might have to eat something else."

Matthew gets the message, strong and clear, as Allen runs his hands down his body, rubbing his legs.

"Al! That's not fair..."

A low growl from from Allen. The husky noise undeniably turns the small Canadian on, making him squirm uncomfortably.

With another quick, jerky movement, Allen shoves the plate to the side, shoving Matthew down. The blondes air is forced from his chest as his upper half is slammed against the cool oak table.

A rough hand grabs his ass, before shoving his shorts to the floor. The soft fabric pools at his ankles, his boxers laying with them.

"Not fair? Baby, I think you're a bit mixed up. What's 'not fair', is you teasing me like this..." Another low growl from Allen. His bulge presses against Mattie as he leans down, pressing his lips to his ukes ear.

"What's not fair, is that I can see right through your little act. I know when you want me to fuck you. So, let's~"

Allen takes a quick moment to shove his jeans and boxers halfway down his thighs, before slamming himself into Matthew's tight ass. Both men groan in pleasure, Matthew shaking and quivering already.

His small form's rocked against the table, his length rubbing against the rough underside of the wood.

As usual, Allen's long, thick length causes pain, but Matthew, sickeningly, loves it, clawing desperately at the table. Allen's deep red eyes glow, mischief settling in them as he watches Matthew lose himself, enjoying pain more than the normal person does.

Grunting, Allen's shifts his position a bit, his hips rolling sensually. He finds Matthew's moans extremely sexy, making his hard length throb inside of his boyfriends ass.

Matthew doesn't last too long, before completely giving into his lust.

"Al! Allen! Nngh... Please, fuck me hard-ahhhhh~ harder!"

With a breathless laugh, Allen snaps his hips forewards roughly, making Matthew mewl and moan, his small frame quivering violently.

From between the Canadians pants and mewls, there's incomprehensible begging as his nails dig into the table top, painful spikes of pleasure coursing through him.

Matthew starts losing all thought, his body going numb with pleasure as his vision starts whitening. His climax is rapidly approaching, and by the way Allen's hips keep faltering, Matthew can tell he's close too.

Allen leans over his uke, kissing and licking the back of his sweaty neck.

"Al... Nnngh.... I wann-ahhh~ cum!"

Allen curses, biting his violet eyed boyfriends neck, sucking roughly as he slams into him.

Allen's cock pounds roughly against his prostate, making him moan as white hot pleasure washes over him, mewling and quivering.

Matthew's tight ass squeezes around Allen, making him moan as his hips stutter to a stop, his own climax washing over him.

Riding out their orgasms, they slowly calm down, Allen leaning rather heavily against Matthew. His lips leave heated, lazy kisses on his boyfriends neck.

Groaning, Allen slides out of Matthew, kissing him a few more times.

With a weak smile, Matthew pushes himself up on unsteady legs, wincing as he pulls his clothing back into place.

Allen smirks, grabbing Matthew around the waist and pulling him against his chest.

"Y'know... we should fuck like that more often!"


Eyyyy! Terrible smut!

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