LatSea: First Kiss {Angst-ish}

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Hahahahhahahahaha, let's give my pre-pubescent OTP angst, because why not hurt myself! Yes, Latvia X Sealand is my number one OTP, right next to PrusPol(Prussia X Poland), you can fight me on it.


Sighing, the young blonde let's himself fall into a pile of leaves, relaxing for what feels like the first time in days.

In a way, it kind of is... dinner time is tense and quiet because Papa's always tired, and bed time isn't really relaxing. It's more along the lines of preparing himself for mass amounts of work the next day.

His eyes are drooping, his hands and feet are sore, and he's certain he's covered in soot and dirt.

Peter can't help but groan as his adoptive 'mother' calls for him. After a few moments of hesitation, he climbs to his feet, running the house.

"Yes Mama?" As soon as the words leave his mouth, the Finnish man turns bright red. "Peter, I'm not a woman, so I can't be mama... I've told you this already! Anyways, Raivis sent you a letter."

Tino laughs lightly as Peter's face brightens. Handing his son the letter, he watches in amusement as the young boy darts quickly to his room to read the letter in private.

As Peter jumps onto his bed, he's almost immediately tearing the envelope open, his excitement getting the better of him.

He can't help it... this stupid war has ruined everything! He can't talk to Raivis as much as he used to, and he certainly can't visit him anymore!

As he opens the letter, his smile fades, bright blue eyes widening.

'Dear Peter,

I'm very sorry to say that we won't be able to contact one another anymore. My parents are dead. The government was supposed to send me to live with nearest relatives, who're in Sweden with you, but... well, that's the thing.

They're in Sweden. We're at war now, so there's no flights from Latvia, to anywhere else, just like we don't have power anymore. So, instead of sending me to live with my grandparents, the government is taking me in. I'm writing in a military facility right now... in four months, I'll be sixteen, and... well, I'll have to join the fight. It's not like I want to, but I have no choice in the matter.

So yes. This is my final time contacting you, at least until this is all over. I love you Peter, and I know you'll be fine without me. You're a strong person.

Forever yours,


Peter stares in shock, eyes blank. He keeps rereading the letter, but his mind is still refusing to admit that it's true. I mean, there's no way... Raivis is his friend... he can't lose him!

Once it finally clicks that he and Raivis won't be able to talk again, his heart starts to ache, his stomach churning as tears pool up in his deep blue eyes.

A weak, pathetic sob escapes his lips as he slowly drags his thin legs up to his chest, hugging them tightly as he starts crying.

His small sniffles and his faint gasping for breath is just quiet enough that Tino won't be able to hear.

This is not something that he wants to talk about... he just wants to be alone...

Through his blurry, tear filled vision, he notices a small lump in the pale beige envelope, making him sniffle in confusion.

Wiping at his running nose, he leans forewards, his body jolting with small sobs.

He pulls the small envelope that he'd opened so enthusiastically towards him. His heart skips a beat as he slowly pulls the two objects out.

The first, a small silver ring... the one that Raivis had always worn on a chain around his neck, hidden in his shirt.

Peter chuckles weakly, his sadness easing up slightly when he sees it, the memory of the day he and Raivis had spent hours looking through the woods for it, only to remember that Raivis had put it in his pocket so he wouldn't lose it running through his head.

A small smile spread over his lips, Peter slips the ring onto his index finger, before looking at the second object, a small Polaroid picture.

His eyes tear up again as he looks over the slip of paper, his heart beating frantically.

The picture is what Peter had given Raivis at the end of the summer, the last one they spent together.

The picture's of the two boys, sitting very close to one another. Raivis' lips are pressed gently to Peter's, the Latvian boy's hand resting on the back of the smaller's neck.

Peter's arms are draped around Raivis' shoulders, pulling their bodies a little closer together.

Both are bright red...

It's the picture of their first kiss.


Bleck! Terrible, but whatever. I thought the idea was cute.

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