Romano X Dead!Reader: Too Soon {Angst}

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I really need to write this right now, so please don't hate me.  << This was really hot, so I suggest reading it. It is hard Yaoi though, so...


Romano never thought he'd fall in love with a human, considering all the pain countries go through when they do, and he definatly never thought he'd be crying over said humans coffin.

The Italian has always had trouble with trusting the people around him, and he's never had a happy relationship with anybody, but somehow this girl had managed to grow on him. He still remembers how he met her... it might as well have been the day before.

The sounds of high pitched sobbing attracts the countries attention. He so badly wants to ignore it, to just continue his way home and forget about the small whimpers floating out from the nearby alleyway... but curiosity got the better of him.

A low sigh, almost a growl, escaping his throat, he strides quickly to the darkened space, caramel eyes narrowed in annoyance.

It's probably just some stray cat... because cats totally sound like they're crying away years of pain.

Eyes adjusting to the darkness, his mouth drops open slightly.

A young girl, no older than seven, is laying curled against the brick wall, a small pool of blood near an outstretched leg. Giving her a closer look, Romano can see all the small cuts and bruises scattered across he almost bare body, and the unnatural twist in her ankle.

The girl, finally noticing the figure watching her, jolts quickly, scrambling to stand up as her blurry (e/c) eyes light up with fear. As pressure is applied to the obviously broken ankle, she let's a small gasp of pain escape her, but besides that she shows no sign of pain.

Her small, dirty face twists into a scowl, a snarl directed towards the still very confused country.

"Leave me alone!"

Nodding, he starts to walk away, a pang of annoyance shooting through him.

If she wants to act that way then she can just die right there in her own filth!

He only gets a few steps away before he turns back quickly, eyes connecting with the young girl's.

They have a short stare off, before Romano sighs and walks back to the girl slowly.

"What's your name?"

The young girl stares at him for a while longer, trying to decide for herself if he was dangerous, before lowering her head, hair covering her eyes.


He nods, outstretching his arm to her.

"Well then, let's go. That leg needs medical attention, and you need to shower."


She'd been the strongest person he'd ever met... even stronger, and sometimes even scarier than Russia... but she was human.

France had told him time and time again that he should just help her, then find her an orphanage, but he didn't listen.... well, he was hiding from him, but he still got the message.

He should have listened... he could have spared himself all of this pain, looking down at woman he loved, cold and broken in a coffin, never going to open her eyes again.

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