2p! Italy X Reader: I Don't Even Like You... {Fluff}

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Hahahahha, let's do this shit. Also, my 50th update is coming up soon, start thinking about what you want for it. If you have anything, then just tell me about it. I wanna know! Btw, this is, like, stupid af, soooo. OMFG I JUST WATCHED GRAND TERRINO AND FUCK IT WAS SAD AF KMN PLS.


A small groan of pain escapes you as you sink even lower into the cushions of your couch.

Your back has been aching all damned day, and nothing's making it stop! You tried ice, and heating pads, and cracking it, and attempted a self-massage... but none of it helped.

From the kitchen, you hear a groan equal to yours... Luciano getting annoyed at your constant whining.

I mean, he should be used to it... he's lived with you, Flavio and Lutz for years, and all three of you whine. A lot... even though 99.9% of the time it's to piss him off.

"(Y/n), just shut your trap! God, you're annoying!"

Frowning, you let out another small whine in defiance. "If you want me to stop, then help me you dickhead!"

There's silence from the kitchen, making you feel rather victorious. You close your eyes, trying to ignore the pain radiating from your lower back.

You don't notice as another whine leaves you, but you do notice Luciano's groan of annoyance, and his stomping towards you.

"Jesus fucking christ, if I help you, will you shut up?!"

You snort, but nod nonetheless. "Yeah, if you can do something about it."

Luciano snarls, moving so he's sitting on your legs. "I feel like that's a fucking challenge..."

You smirk, about to respond with a smart ass comment, but his cold hands are suddenly on the back of your neck. A shiver runs down your spine as Luciano starts rubbing your neck gently, making your whole body go slack.

You fucking hate to admit it... but Jesus fuck, his hands feel really good... his fingers put the perfect amount of pressure to your sore muscles, making you relax reluctantly and against your will.

You can feel his cocky grin, and you really want to slap him... but your body isn't responding to you anymore.

His hands quickly reach your shoulders, soothing out the kinks and knots.

"Take your shirt off." Your eyes widen, a soft gasp leaving you.

"No way! Pervert!" Luciano's annoyance spikes up again, but he leans down to your ear, growling in a low tone... that's honestly scares you a bit.

"If you want me to keep helping you, take your shirt off. It's hard to massage through a shirt dipshit." You blush, shivering lightly as his tone grows playful, although the same threatening, gruff manner of talking is still laced in with it. He helps you sit up, tugging your shirt gently.

Hesitating, you slowly pull the baggy pyjama shirt over your head, dropping it next to the couch.

You yelp as you're pushed back down on the couch. You can't help but feel annoyed, although it's immediately forgotten as Luciano goes back to rubbing your shoulders. A soft sigh leaves your lips as Luciano trails a little further down, pressing down gently on your spine.

His hands are literally working miracles, soothing away god knows how many years of stress. Turning your head a little, you look at him from the corner of your eye.

"Jeez... where the fuck did someone like you learn to do this?"

Luciano snorts, pressing down on the small of your back, making it crack. Relief floods you as the tension along your spine flies away.

"I'm Italian. We're awesome at anything sexual."

Your eyebrows furrow... is this sexual? You're about to ask, but his hands move back up to your shoulders, scarred thumbs massaging around your shoulder blades.

With a sigh, you relax again. It's short lived though, as Luciano pulls you up onto your knees, moving a bit closer to you as his hands keep working at your shoulders.

Blushing, you turn your gaze to the side, glancing at him. His eyes look nervous, albeit annoyed, as he pulls you closer again.

His lips pull into a small smile as he leans towards you, normally angry red eyes locked on your lips. His hands slow on your shoulders, moving a little closer to your neck with a slow, almost tender movement.

It's funny really... those hands have never really been used for anything but violence, yet they're so good at showing the exact opposite... love.

His tongue darts out, swiping quickly over his dry lips, before his face gets a little closer to your own. Your heart flutters, and you lean in as well, observing his soft features. A rarity with the psycho.

His his lips brush gently against your own, and with a burst of confidence, he moves in. Before he can actually kiss you, the front door, that leads right into the living room, slams open...

Flavio freezes in the doorway, wide eyed as Luciano scrambles away from you, bright faced.

"Oh my god! You were gonna kiss her~" Flavio's shock quickly changes to a cocky grin, pink-ish eyes glittering in amusement. "Sorry I inturrupted! After so many years of sexual tension too~ Anyways, I'll leave, let you two get to it! I'll tell Lutz to leave you be!"

With a small giggle and a wiggle of his fingers, Flavio's out of the apartment... leaving you and Luciano in an awkward silence.

Luciano's very obviously peeved, but you can see in the glance he gives you that he's at least a little disappointed at having been inturrupted.

"I feel a lot better, Luci. Thank you."

You grin brightly at him, moving to sit next to the tense man. You gently run a hand through his hair, making a small growl escape him.

As his deep red eyes connect with your own, you grin mischievously. "You know, you seem a little upset that we were stopped..."

Luciano sputters, before turning bright red. "No I'm not! What are you talking about! I don't even like you, stupid girl..." Even with those words leaving his mouth, his eyes are fluttering back down to your lips.

You pull him in close, but still allow him a sense of dominance. He seems to have a debate with himself, eyebrows furrowed and a small frown on his face.

For a few torturous seconds, he slowly gets closer, until his lips are brushing yours. Déja vù much? With a small smirk, he kisses you, pulling you close.

Humming happily, you kiss the normally angry man back, letting him hold you against his chest, calloused hands resting softly on your forearms.

As you two split reluctantly, leaving small kisses against each other's lips, Luciano smirks again. Rolling your eyes, you flick his forehead. You can't help the giggle that escapes you as his expression turns offended.

"And you said you didn't like me."

His eyes widen, and he stands up quickly, arms crossed in defiance. "I don't!"


Ye, as I said, stupid. I like Luciano, he's a total sex god............. or a daddy. Okay, I'll stop now!

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