2p! Canada X Canada: Back Off {Fluff}

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Because it is one of my favorite OTP's. I also like 2p! America X 1p! Canada, and GiriPan, and DenNor, and SuFin, and HongIce, and FrUk and 2p! UsUk (even though Ollie is mine), and I could literally go on forever. So many ships, so little time. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE CUTENESS!


"Oh shit!" Matt mentally facepalms as he jumps up from the couch. The clock on the wall above him shows half past twelve... 30 minutes after he was supposed to meet up with Matthew.

With luck, the timid male won't be too pissed.

Oh, who am I kidding, he's too sweet to be that mad, and much too shy to yell.

Matt leaves his house and starts making his way to the meet up place, a nearby Tim Hortons.

Walking by a small flower shop, he almost misses the old woman's voice calling out for him.

"Hey you there! You're a handsome young man, probably have a pretty little girlfriend. How about you get her some flowers?"

Matt opens his mouth to decline, but he stops himself.

Matthew does really like flowers... and it would be a good way to apologize to the man.

"Sure. A bouquet of roses... please." Smiling, the woman nods and hands him the asked for bouquet, which is almost over flowing with the blood red flowers.

"For free son, just make that woman happy."

If only she knew.

Nodding awkwardly, he mutters a few 'thank yous' before rushing off.

I guess Mattie can be feminine sometimes...

A small smile appears on Matt's face as he crosses the road to the Timmie's, hiding the flowers behind his back.

He can't see Matthew through any of the windows, but he knows he's there. Mattie would wait hours for him, just like he would wait hours for Mattie. (Although, you'll never get him to admit it.)

He pushes past a few people chattering in the doorway, his eyes scanning the building for his boyfriend.

A small blush makes him grin as he notices the familiar, slightly messy, mop of blonde hair, the equally familiar curl along with it.

The grin is soon gone though.

Sitting across from his precious, innocent boyfriend, is Zao... who is very obviously, and very shamelessly, flirting with the uncomfortable looking Canadien.

The Chinese man's hand brushes against Matthew's arm, and said man shifts and pull himself a little farther from Zao.

A low growl escapes Matt's mouth as he storms forewards, everybody in his way immediately moving.

With only a few short strides, he's towering above Matthew's table, before he grabs the man's arm, pulling him up and into his chest.

Curling his lips into a snarl, he glares at Zao, holding Matthew to him protectively.

"Back off, fuck face! Don't touch my baby, he's too pure for your dirty hands."

Zao stands up a smirk on his face.

Matt's eyes narrow even more, before he grabs Matthew's face and slams his lips onto the smaller male's, kissing him with angry passion.

His tongue slips across the other Canadiens lips, before pushing his tongue into is mouth, hands tangling in his hair.

He can hear Zao mumble something about leaving, but he doesn't pay any attention to him, too into the kiss.

It lasts for a few more seconds, before the two blondes part, the smaller one panting and blushing madly.

"W-What was t-that f-for?" Shrugging, Matt leans his chin on his boyfriends head, cradling him gently to his chest.

"Don't talk to him. You're too innocent."

Giggling, the blushing man leans into Matt's chest, smiling sweetly at him.

"He wouldn't have been talking to me if you weren't late."

The mentioning of his lateness makey him remember the roses, still clasped in the hand behind Matthew's back.

"Oh... right, here... Sorry for being late. Again."

Matthew smiles, blushing again as he takes the bouquet of roses, smiling down at them.

"It's okay... as long as you keep the creepy guys away, I'm fine with you being late all the time."

Blush burning even brighter, Matthew stands on his toes to kiss his boyfriends cheek, a small smile on his face.

The chorus of awe's that follows suit makes the two turn an even brighter red than the roses shielding Matthew's face.

The two realize, everybody in the store is watching them.


Shiiit! All of my writing is complete shit! Like, fuck me, why am I so bad at this shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!?

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