Prussia X Reader: Perfect {Fluff}

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BECAUSE THE DUET BETWEEN PRUSSIA AND GERMANY MADE ME CRY JUST AS HARD AS THE ALWAYS WITH YOU SONG! WHY AM I SO EMOTIONAL, I'M NOT EVEN ON MY FUCKING PERIOD! You know you don't have a life when you're watching a film about Nazi zombies. Anyways, enjoy...


Final loss of independence, 25th of February 1947 (Just a little note Bros)
OOOOH, ALSO! You're a country too, I don't care which one.

Glancing nervously at the clock suspended on the wall above you, you can't help but frown. Gilbert's late... like, way late.

You're used to the 'awesome Prussia' being, 20 minutes late at the most, but never, ever an hour. Even that idiot knows that's a dick move.

With a sigh, you pull your phone from your pocket and dial his number, tapping your foot impatiently.

Yet again, you get the answering machine.

Furious now, you dial his brothers number, leaving the small café.

"Hallo?" Thank God he answered.

"Yo, Ludwig! Where's Gil? He's not answering his phone... is he okay? He's been a bit down the past few days."

A short silence on the other end, before uncomfortable mumbling starts coming through.

"Um... today's... well. It's the anniversary of the day Prussia officially crumbled."

It's your turn to be silent now.

You hang up the call quickly and start making your way to Gil and Ludwig's.

How could you be so stupid! You completely forgot, now your poor boyfriend's all alone and sad! By far the worst girlfriend ever!

You soon reach their house, where you start knocking frantically on the door, while ringing the doorbell. Because that's not annoying.

Ludwig opens the door, but you barely give him a second glance as you dart by him, up to Gilbert's room.

You hear music coming from his room, and only a faint blue light coming from under his door.

Gently pushing the door open, you look around. The room is as usual, messy.


Said man is lying on his stomach in his bed, face buried in a pile of pillows. You feel tears stinging your eyes as you sit on the edge of the bed, placing your hand on the top of his head.

"I'm so sorry Gil, I didn't mean to forget."

Sighing, Gilbert lifts his head to look at you. His red eyes aren't happy and bright, as the normally are, they're blank.

You whine loudly before throwing yourself on him, arms around his neck.

"Vhat zhe fuck (y/n)?"

You tighten your grip on him, laying against his chest.

"I'm gonna stay with you today. I don't care if you don't want me too. I will not move from this spot until you feel better..."

There's no answer from Prussia, but he does wrap his arms around your waist, leaning his head on yours.

You both lay together in silence, for God knows how long, before you feel the albino start shaking beneath you.

His eyes are scrunched closed, hands fisted in your shirt and tears pouring down his face. Pulling away, you cup his face in your hands and gently wipe away his tears.

"Hey, please don't cry! You will forever be the strongest country in the world, no matter what anyone says! You're Prussia! You are the definition of awesome, and strong, awesome countries like you shouldn't be crying!"

You pull him as close to you as possible, cradling his head to your shoulder.

He's a mess right now, even more so than usual. His face is unwashed, tear stains all down it, his hair is dirty, and he's sitting in a darkened room.

"Vhy (y/n)? Zhere are zo many countries zhat vould be better for jou, vhy stay vith me?"

Angry, you pull him away from your and stare him deep in the eyes. For once, you've got the upper hand, the element of surprise.

"Damnit Gil! Did you not hear what I said!? You're perfect, damn you! You're... my everything, and I love you more than anything. You're strong, and awesome, and don't fucking care if you're not a country anymore! Nothing can change my love for you."

Slowly, A small grin spreads on Gil's face, and he wipes the few remaining tears off his face.

"Jou know vhat... jou may be just as awesome as me, frau."

A small laugh escapes you as you kiss him gently.

He really, truly is perfect.


Welp. I'm only doing this because my poor baby's day is coming up soon and because Einsamkeit immediately made me think of Prussia after being disbanded.

Next Up:

2p! America X Reader: Call Me Daddy {Lemon}

Yandere! 2p! England X Reader: Pretty In Red

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