Norway X Reader: Pun Master

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I'm sorry but I no longer see Norway as mature and beautiful, I see him as the master of all puns, and being a slightly annoying God. That is Lukas, fight me. Norway puns bruh. This whole piece of shit Oneshot is based off that ^^ pun.


Bursting into a fit of laughter, you fall to the floor. You'd came to hang out with Emil, but when you'd gotten there, someone had already beaten you to the punch.

Lukas, Emil's brother.

Now, you hadn't really expected to end up caught in a fight between the two nations... but ya' did.

Lukas started complaining about how Emil promised to call him 'big brother', but now refuses to do such a thing.

The fight soon turned into Lukas following Emil around screaming 'big brother', all while Emil responded with 'don't care' and 'whatever'.

Eventually, Emil had gotten pissed and ran to his room, shutting himself up inside it.

Now, before I go any farther, you already know the brothers are countries, even though you're a normal human. Just plain old you, nothing special.

Both you and Lukas had followed Emil to his room, you to comfort him and his brother to... well, probably keep teasing the younger.

Once you'd reached the door, you went to open it, but Emil slammed it shut again, locking it this time.


You could feel Emil's annoyance radiating from the room.

"Don't Norge!"

You see the tiny smirk on Lukas' face.

"You shouldn't-"

"Norway! Just stop!" His smirk grows a little more.

"-Iceolate yourself."

Emil does a half scream, half sigh, while Lukas stands next to you, seemingly quite proud of himself.

You stare at him, blank faced.

And now we're here, you laughing on the floor, face buried in your hands. It had taken a few moments for the stupid joke to hit you.

"(Y/n)! Don't encourage him!" Emil's voice is high pitched with annoyance.

You want to stop laughing, but no matter how hard you try, you can't. The joke wasn't even that funny! I guess it was just the shock of the joke, considering you really weren't expecting it.

Stupid ass puns.

"L-ukas! You asshole!"

Your giggles calm down, and your wipe your damp eyes.

"That was the lamest fucking pun I have ever heard."

Shrugging, he helps you up from the floor.

"You still laughed."


I know you at least giggled at the pun. If you didn't you can't even say you like Norway, because that is 100% something that fuck would do.

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Another 2p! America X Reader:

2p! Canada X Canada: Back Off

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