All X Reader: Fucking Meetings {Kinda Stupid}

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Shiiiit! I just screamed 'SEXUAL TENSION' really loudly while watching Harry Potter, and GUYS MY DAD'S SO CONFUSED, SHIIIIIT! FUUUCK! AND NOW I'M IN LOVE WITH FUCKING MALFOY AGAIN, FUUUUCK ME!
Lol, 666 reads xD
I lied, no smut atm. I'm really bad at smut when I have no inspiration. Also, I dunno if Antarctica has a personification, but even if it does, fight me.


You sigh as your alarm starts blaring Avenged Sevenfold from the other side of the room.

Just what you need this week, a meeting.

Now, these meeting are meant to create bonds between the nations, and solve the world's problems but... that doesn't really work.

You're not even that important! You're fucking Antarctica! Land of fucking ice and penguins. You don't even have a military, and you have very, very few citizens! Maybe the occasion Inuit village that refuses to leave...

Oh fuck... speaking of penguins...

You sigh again, much louder this time, as your penguin waddles into your room, immediately starting with the Christmas carols.

You must've gotten a retarded one or something, because this fucking bird doesn't seem to realize it's not fucking Christmas.

Your manage to drag yourself out of bed, slamming the off button on the alarm, and pulling on a three inch thick pair of slippers.

"Fuck me..."

With a yawn, you stumble your way downstairs and to the fridge.

The penguins screechy caroling gets louder as it notices it's breakfast, a large fish on the top shelf.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up already (p/n)."

You toss the fish to the bird, which it catches midair, waddle away as fast as it can afterwards. You sigh yet again, for what definatly won't be the last time today...


You stomp into the meeting room, trying to make yourself invisible as you walk to your seat. Why can't you be Canada? At least then no one would notice if you skipped out!

Flopping down in the hard wooden chair, you try to tune out the chaos around you.

Italy's running around, waving a white flag while screeching something about pasta, Germany's trying to make everybody sit down and shut up, with no luck, Russia's hiding from Belarus, who's literally just creeping around, France is flirting with the maids, England and America are arguing, Canada's trying to make Prussia stop kissing him. And that's only one half of the room.

The other half, Spain and Netherlands are on the verge of a fist fight, Switzerland's threatening to 'beat people with his peace prize', Poland's... well... he's being Poland, China's trying to sell a bunch of Hello Kitty merchandise for some really fucking weird reason, the Nordics, Denmark and Norway in specific, are choking each other and Romania's being Romania, running around and pretending to turn people into vampires... by biting them.

That's not everybody either! That's not even half!

A grinning Japan runs up to you, obviously excited about something. I mean, he's smiling and running! He also has a slight nose bleed...

"(Y/n)! Do you have your camera!? Hong Kong and Iceland are doing it in the bathroom... Germany-San already confiscated mine, so..."

You smile for the first time that day, shaking your head and shrugging in apology. Japan bows quickly, before running off, trying to find someway to photograph the two.

You jump slightly as Greece mumbles something about cats from next to you, before cuddling into your side.

You sigh in annoyance, watching everybody.

A few people try to come talk to you, and Turkey attempts to play a prank on the sleeping Greece (you glared at him though, scaring him away), before you finally get bored of just sitting there, when there's important topics to be discussed.

The chaos goes on for a straight twenty minutes, before you have to glare at a certain sleeping Greek man, whose still leaned up against you.

You stand up quickly, making Greece jolt, looking around in confusion, before shrugging to himself and laying his head on the table, continuing his nap.

How does he even manage to do that?! Nap through all this!?

Patience finally wearing thin, you climb up on the table, stomping your foot.


For once... people actually listen.

You might have maybe scared the shit out of poor Latvia... and Estonia... and Italy... and woke Greece up... again...

They all quickly take their seats, a few of them staring at you in fear.


At least you can get down to buisness now... right?

Scowling, you jump down from the table, sitting back down in your seat. Even Germany's staring at you with slight fear.

"Well, go on! Let's get this fucking thing done with."

Clearing his throat, Germany starts discussing Global Warming, immediately making a lot of people turn to you... you have had a few issues because of that lately...

America raises his hand, doing that annoying thing where's he waves it wildly, going 'OH, OH ME!'

Germany sighs, but point to America anyways.

"Yo (y/n), dude, is global warming why you're so... Hot headed? Badum, tsss!"

Narrowing your eyes. You stand up and slam your hands on the table, chair screeching loudly as it gets pushed back.

"Oh shit..."

America goes pale as he slowly backs away a few steps, before running quickly from the room.

Rolling your eyes, you sit back down in your chair, putting your legs up on the table.

"Sorry about that. Now that he's gone, let's continue!"


I am so sorry. I legit wrote this out of pure boredom, and I really regret it. Whoopsie!

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