Romania X Reader: Princess {Fluff}

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Lol, Romania's such a cutie, so nothing's gonna stop me... but he's doesn't have a canonical human name that I know of, so ya know, COUNTRIES! Antarctica and your annoying penguin again! I know Antarctica isn't a country but fight me.


Humming lightly, you slip your headphones on, hitting play on your music, before collapsing on your bed... There's paperwork to be done

You stick your tongue out in mock disgust, before starting your work.

It's not too hard, mostly just a bunch of stuff about your government, ecosystem, economy, and blah, blah, blah! It's probably easier for you than it is for most others, on account of you being a huge block of ice with almost zero inhabitants.

It's times like these that you truly enjoy being one of the most hellish 'countries' to live... although you're a bit more than a country.... whatever. 

You can hear your stupid penguin screeching Christmas carols again, even through the music playing on full blast.

You roll your eyes, tapping the end of your pen against you paper, to the fast beat of the music.

You don't hear the front door opening, nor do you notice your bedroom door slowly creaking open.

Your eyebrows furrow as you realize the penguin isn't singing.

Before you can actually think about the fact that your penguin never shuts the fuck up, a blurry red mass jumps on you, making you scream.

The person on top of you knocks your headphones off, and you immediately recognize the happy giggling of the idiot wrestling with you.

"Romania you ass! I could've killed you!"

He laughs a bit louder, successfully pinning you.

"No you couldn't have! I'm the best!" Grinning at you, he drops next to you, an arm draped over you.

You sigh a bit at him, ignoring the grin spreading across your face. This dumbasse's happiness is infectious... annoying as hell.

"What do you want, dork." You poke his nose, making him giggle again, hugging you tightly.

"I missed yoooooou! You were so grumpy at the last stupid meeting!" Pouting a bit, he kisses your forehead gently, nuzzling you right after.

What a giant fucking dog!

Rolling your eyes again, you (although you'll never admit it) cuddle him, warmth filling you as his arms hold you tightly, but not enough to make it uncomfortable.

You've always felt so safe in this dorks arms...

"Why are you so snuggly today (n/n)?" He chuckles, kissing your neck as few times. You can't help the blush that appears on your cheeks.

"Shut up! Am I not aloud to cuddle you or something?"

You can pretty much feel his energy spike again as he shakes his head quickly.

"No! I'm just not used to my adorable girlfriend cuddling me~"

You smirk, closing your eyes and leaning into him.

"I guess... I might, maybe... feel safe with you..."

You mumble the last part into his chest, but naturally, he hears you. He squeals rather obnoxiously, squeezing you much tighter than necessary, kissing your face.

His lips tickle you face, making you laugh, squirming in his grip.

"Romaniaaaa! Stop, it tickles!" He pulls away suddenly, pretty red eyes lit up with happiness.

"(N/n), does this mean I'm your prince? I mean, a princess is supposed to feel safe with her prince, sooo?" Blushing a bit, you nod hesitantly, leaning up and leaving a small peck on his lips.

"Yes, Prince Romania." He giggles again, before going serious (the mischievous glint in his eyes giving him away).

"Can I try something?" You narrow your eyes, but he soon gives you a puppy dog pout, making you give in, rolling your eyes.


Before you can really react, he darts forewards, biting your neck.

You flinch, squeaking in shock before he pulls away again, grin even wider than before.


You snort, leaning back into his chest.

"You massive dork..."



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