Prussia X Vampire! Reader: I'll Always Find You {Fluff}

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I know, Vamp! Reader, so original *eye roll*, BUT YOU MUST FORGIVE ME THIS IDEA MADE ME HAPPY SO YOU CAN'T STAHP MEH!
Also, um... slight sexual content... hahahahhaha.... oops...



Sighing, you wipe the small bits of herbs off your hands, walking to your open door. Said door is open to let the smells of your bakery out, and to let the heat out with it.

The villagers are dragging the albino, Gilbert Beilschmidt, also known as the 'witch' or 'vampire' through out your village, across the dusty ground.

This is the fourth time this week that they've tried to execute him, but no matter what they do, even with all the burnings, drowning, and hangings, he still manages to live!

Even you've been getting creeped out at what the fuck he is. He smells like a normal human, so he's not a vampire like you, or a witch, or a werewolf, or shapeshifter... he's just a normal human!

So why the fuck isn't he dead?

The struggling male makes eye contact with you, flailing even harder as he does.

"MISS (L/N)! I need heeeeelp!"

Groaning, you reluctantly leave your house and walk towards the very angry crowd.

"Let me through please, thank you..."

The men who were carrying the tied up Gilbert quickly drop him to the ground, stepping back.

Most people are scared of you, but since there's no proof of you being anything evil, they mostly leave you alone. Plus, you make some heavenly pastries.

"Danke Miss (l/n)!"

You ignore the albino, kneeling down next to him and untying the ropes around his wrists and ankles.

"Oi! He's dangerous ma'am! Ya' can't just let 'im go!"

You shoot a glare at the man who'd spoken.

"I thank you very sincerely for looking out for our safety sir, but this poor man has never shown any signs of sinister beliefs. He goes to church just as we do, and the color of his eyes doesn't, nor should it, change a thing!"

Frowning you turn back to Gilbert, helping him up, before storming away.

Good gracious, these people are so blind!

You quickly enter you tiny bakery/house, and continue what you were doing, chopping up herbs for your bread.

You hear the albino trot into your kitchen, and pretty much feel the grin on his stupid face.

"Miss (l/n), thank jou again. It hurts being hanged..."

Gritting your teeth, you slam the knife down on the table and whip around, coming nose to nose with the undeniably handsome man.

You grab his face, staring deeply into his eyes. There's nothing... no signs of what the fuck his is! Werewolves have multicolored eyes, vampire's change in the light, and so on.

"What are you?! You're obviously not human, yet you smell and look like one, but you're not like me! You're not inhumane! What are you!?"

It's terribly frustrating, not knowing what he is!

His grin grows a little, his eyes half lidded as he leans closer.

"So jou're not human... I should 'ave guessed. Jou're too beautiful to be an average frau."

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