He's back

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Caroline smiled as he approached her from across the room, knowing he could be with her on the bed in a second but instead walked slowly towards her so he could admire her, just as she admired him.

She was almost naked under the covers and had them pulled up so only her bare shoulders and arms were showing. She didn't notice how the covers hugged her body, showing everything and still none at all.

He had been on his way out when she woke up and told him to stay. He'd paused with his shirt in his hand, told her he had to go do something, like always, but she had just smiled at him, calling him back silently. She'd felt the sensation of her success as he'd dropped his shirt and smiled at her, showing her those irresistible dimples.

"What power is it you have over me, love?" Klaus said, now standing at the foot of the bed. He was only wearing a pair of blue jeans, her favorites. She couldn't wait anymore and with a woosh she was in front of him, not caring about the fact that the covers were gone.

He let the tip of his fingers wander over her cheek and then along her jaw and neck, touching her collarbone lightly before finally sliding them down her bare arm. She felt a light shiver and held her breath as his lips moved towards hers. Then only a couple of inches away, he paused and looked at her, puzzled.

"Why, Caroline?" he asked, smirking.

Caroline pulled her head back, looking at him with confusion. "I... huh? What do you mean?"

"Why is it me and not Tyler?" He pronounced the name as if it disgusted him. "Where is the brat?"

Caroline glanced around the room, dazed and realizing suddenly that she was in Tyler's room and on his bed. Quickly, she picked up the covers and threw them around herself. Klaus was still standing at the foot of the bed, smiling at her.

"You'll just have to ask yourself why." He leaned towards her, planting a kiss on her cheek.

At that moment Caroline woke from her dream, opening her eyes and sat up in the bed.

"Seriously? Just leave me alone for God's sake!" she whispered, annoyed and frustrated. On her left Tyler was sleeping like a rock and she felt relieved. If she had been talking in her sleep, he hadn't heard her this time.

Klaus just seemed to keep haunting her and Caroline had become sure that it was some trick. He had done something to her, like the thing Damon did, when he could make other vampires see what he wanted them to see.

Caroline removed the covers and got out of bed; certain she wouldn't be able fall asleep again. She took the bathrobe that was hanging over a chair and left the room, moving down the stairs and towards the front door. The Lockwood Manor was completely silent except for Tyler's heavy breathing.

A cold wind greeted her as she opened the door but she barely felt it as she stepped out into the night. Caroline couldn't help but smile as she thought about how amazing it was to be a vampire; to not feel the cold, to live forever. His words rang in her head: "We are the same, Caroline". She instinctively shook her head to clear her mind of him.

How were they the same? So she liked being a vampire, he liked being a vampire? Damon almost died refusing to take the cure just so he wouldn't become human. Tyler loved being a vampire or more correctly a hybrid. Surely Klaus didn't believe that he and Tyler were the same.

Caroline took a deep breath, inhaling the cool air and closed her eyes, just listening. Everything was so vibrant, so living. Again Klaus invaded her mind, reminding her of the hummingbird and his only wanting-to-be-human moment.

Because of the silence, she heard him coming from a mile away. She wooshed inside the manor, standing in the doorway and looked into his eyes. Except it wasn't his. Stefan, or Silas as his real name was, stepped closer to her and wore a smile that looked all Stefan and yet nothing like it.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now