Tough love - Part one

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Caroline entered her five star suite on the tenth floor that Klaus had paid for and couldn’t help but feeling impressed. It was quite different from her room at Marie’s and clearly more luxurious. But as Caroline knew it would, it lacked the charm she loved about her room in New Orleans.

The evening sun was shining through a big panorama window and as soon as she had unpacked her things, she just stood and admired the descending autumn sun. A wide smile was spread across her face and it took her a moment to realise that someone was knocking on her door.

“Señorita? Señorita, I have a message from Señor Mikaelson.” It was a woman’s voice with a thick Spanish accent. Caroline rolled her eyes. Klaus was living right across the hall and yet he couldn’t just deliver the message himself. He really did love his minions.

Caroline opened the door and a woman in her thirties with dark curly hair was standing outside with a large bag in her hand. Caroline knew immediately what it was and couldn’t help but sigh. Marisol – as the name tag told Caroline the woman’s name was – handed her the bag and on it was a note.

“Be ready at seven and I will show you how beautiful the world can be. Meet me in the lobby and wear the dress, if you please. Fondly Klaus.”

Caroline shook her head lightly but couldn’t help but smile. When she looked up, Marisol was gone and Caroline closed the door. She placed the bag on the large bed and unzipped it, revealing a beautiful blue dress. It was a perfect match to her eyes and Caroline looked at herself with the dress on for a long time.

How the hell does he manage to find a dress like this in such a short time?

The dress was knee-long and hang loose from her waist and down. Just like the black dress she had worn the night he had come back to New Orleans, most of her back was bare except from strings crossing over it. The front of the dress didn’t show any of her cleavage and was placed just under her collarbones and Caroline couldn’t help but notice how both classy and sexy the dress was.

Klaus has bought me a sexy dress? I can’t wear this, can I? But it is so beautiful… And it’s not like there are anyone here that’ll know it’s from Klaus… Or cares. Oh my God, is this a date?!

Slowly, Caroline began freaking out. She had no idea what Klaus was thinking or what was going to happen that night. He knew that she wasn’t with Tyler anymore and they were in Spain; a country with amazing food, music and dancing. And the sexiest language Caroline had ever heard that Klaus probably could speak fluently.

Her heart began to beat faster and she quickly lay down on the bed and just stared at the ceiling. All of her previous doubts about how he felt was gone and had been replaced by her own confusion. Something had changed in the last week. Instead of becoming irritated by his flirting and compliments, she was now waiting for them and she enjoyed it. She tried hard not to show it to him, though.

She looked at her watch and freaked out even more when she realised that she had to meet Klaus in half an hour. She knew that she shouldn’t be so stressed out but half an hour suddenly seemed like little time to get ready to go out on a maybe-date with Klaus.

Stop it, Caroline. This is wrong. This is Klaus. The big bad hybrid, who has killed probably hundreds of people, including Aunt Jenna. You can forgive, but not forget.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down and then forced herself to only spend ten minutes to get ready. She let her curls hang loose and applied a light make-up. She went over to the bed to pick up the bag for the dress, when something on the floor caught her eyes. It must had fallen out of the bag without her noticing and with a smile, Caroline bent down to pick up the bracelet that Klaus had given to her when she turned eighteen.  

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