Bon Voyage

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“So how do we do this?” Caroline asked the three Original vampires that were standing in front of her. It was the day after Klaus had told her that there were going to Seville and their flight would leave in the evening. Only Klaus and Caroline were going and Caroline had felt the nervousness build up inside her ever since she’d woken that morning. 

Now, they had to tackle Marcel. Caroline had, to Klaus’ surprise, agreed to help taking down Marcel even after they’d dealt with Silas so they had to explain why she all of a sudden was leaving, with Klaus. It was important that Marcel still trusted her when she came back so now they had to come up with a plan on how to convince him that Caroline had nothing to do with the Originals, except for needing their help to take down Silas.

“You go back to your hotel room and start packing. Marcel will come to you.” Elijah told her calmly.

“He knows where I’m staying?” Caroline said with a nervous voice.

“Marcel knows everything, love.” Klaus said and his eyes showed his concern.

Caroline knew Marcel was outside on her balcony before she turned around to face him. She had been waiting for him while she slowly packed her suitcase. Her face was full of fake surprise, when she “randomly” looked out on the balcony.

She quickly opened the doors and let him in with a smile on her face. He was smiling too but it didn’t seem to reach his eyes.

“Marcel. What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?” she said and tried sounding as relaxed as possible.

“I heard a little bird sing. You are going somewhere?” Marcel asked with a secretive look in his eyes.

“You had me followed, didn’t you?” Caroline asked and crossed her arms.

“This is my city, Caroline. I always know what’s going on. So when a beautiful leggy woman walks in with a daylight ring on her finger, I’ll make sure to know everything about her.” Marcel said and leaned towards her.

Caroline didn’t flinch and made sure not to look scared in any way. She had to show him that she had nothing to hide.

“He will confront you about seeing you with us and you will tell him the truth.” Elijah said and looked Caroline in the eyes. “He will know if you’re lying so you need to stay as close to the truth as possible and keep calm.”

“I guess you’re wondering why I’ve been talking to the Mikaelsons.” Caroline said and raised her eyebrows as a question. She could see the surprise in his eyes. He probably wasn’t used to people going straight to the point. Especially if he thought they were hiding something.

“I’m just curious. I thought you didn’t know them.” Marcel said relaxed and leaned against the doorframe between her room and the balcony.

“I didn’t. But I came here to find them. I need their help.” she said and shrugged her shoulders. Marcel moved away from the doorframe and closer to her. Caroline was standing by her bed, where her suitcase laid wide open.

“Their help? The Mikaelsons don’t help anyone but their own.” Marcel said and looked at her with narrow eyes full of suspicion.

“They will if their own lives are in danger. If their family is threatened, they will help.” Caroline told him and she immediately noticed how his interest was sparked.

“And how is that?” he asked.

“You ever heard of Silas? He is a two-thousand year old vampire and his only mission is to bring hell on this earth. Sooner or later he will be coming for the second most powerful being on this planet: Niklaus Mikaelson. Silas is stronger than anything you can ever imagine and if we don’t stop him, we’ll all be dead soon enough.” Caroline told him in a slow voice. Marcel moved even closer to her and was now looking down at her with a dangerous smile on his face.

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