Flirting with the Devil

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The next morning Caroline searched through her suitcase for something she could wear later that night. This quickly turned her whole room into a mess and Caroline knew she wouldn't be able to leave without cleaning up and putting her things in the big closet. Some would think it as a waste of time but Caroline liked it when her things where organized.

She took her time, not knowing what to do with herself when she was done. She had lain in her bed an hour after waking up way too early without being able to fall asleep again. She had finally faced defeat and gotten up to take a bath. For the next hour, while the water in the bathtub got colder, Caroline thought about how she could get through the next couple of days.

She had no idea how she was going to catch Marcel's attention, especially with him being 'the King' as he probably had lots of women running after him. Caroline shook her head as she realised why Klaus really wanted Marcel gone. This had nothing to do with the witches or it being his city; Klaus wanted to be king. He was jealous. 

Does Klaus even know about this plan? He probably doesn't even know I'm here. Where the hell can he be? Out on some romantic trip with Hayley, maybe?

The thought of Klaus and Hayley on a romantic trip together made her laugh out loud. Just the two of them being in the same room without wanting to tear each other's throats out seemed impossible. Klaus and Hayley. It was too weird and Caroline wouldn't believe it until she saw it with her own eyes. She didn't trust Hayley one bit.

Caroline spent the rest of the day wandering around in the French Quarter. She managed to find two dresses in the shops: a red one and a black one. She knew she would probably never wear the red one again but it was just as cheap as it looked so it didn't matter much.

Her old self might have liked it but now she just thought it was both too short and too sparkly. It was deep red with sequins covering almost every inch of it and strapless. She was unsure whether it was too much but knew how important it was that Marcel noticed her.

The black one was more her style even though it also showed a lot of skin. It was a simple black dress with long sleeves and wrapped around her body in a very flattering way. The most of her back would be bare and it was only a little longer than the red dress, but it was definitely a keeper.

Caroline left her room in the red dress, ready to meet with Elijah at the bar at nine. She gave Marie a quick smile as she passed through the lobby and stepped out into the night.


Camille tried to keep down a yawn but didn't quite manage to and quickly turned her back on the few customers in the bar. It was her second nightshift in a row and she still had one more to go before she had her two nights of freedom. As she turned around to face the bar customers, she was surprised to see Elijah's blonde 'friend' Caroline sit right in front of her.

Caroline looked different from the night before but Camille wasn't sure whether it was a good or a bad different. She was wearing an offensively sparkling and red dress, and her curly hair was gathered in a hair tie on the left side of her face with a lock hanging loose on the right side. Her make-up was heavier than previously but in a way that made the blue in her eyes stand out. Caroline might be beautiful but tonight she looked fierce.

Camille raised her eyebrows in both surprise and admiration but Caroline didn't quite seem to notice it. She looked nervous and kept looking at the clock behind Camille in the bar. Camille tried smiling at her but Caroline only managed to send her back a weird grimace.

"Are you okay? Can I get you something?" Camille asked with worry in her voice. Caroline looked at her then at the door and lastly at the clock.

"I'm fine. I'll just have two tequila shots, please," Caroline said and tried to send Camille a cheerful smile.

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