Bloody hell

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Caroline was dreaming when a knock on the door suddenly woke her up. Confused, she sat up in her bed not knowing where she was for a second. She had been running through the Mystic Falls woods from someone who wanted to kill her. She had had no idea who and her legs had been like jelly. But just before the knock had woken her, she had faced whoever she was running from: herself.

There was another knock on the door and Caroline sighed as she slowly removed the covers.

“Buenos días, señorita. I have breakfast.” Marisol said from the other side of the door.

Breakfast? I haven’t ordered breakfast. Maybe Klaus did…

Caroline fell back on the bed as the thought of Klaus hit her. Last night they had… And it had been very close that they had… She had been drunk, confused and, she realised, a little lonely. This wasn’t supposed to happen, though. As right as it had felt the night before as wrong did it feel now. He was Klaus for God’s sake!

Another insistent knock came from the door and Caroline got up once again. Suddenly she could smell it and in a flash she opened the door to see Marisol stand in the hallway. The woman was bleeding from her wrist but a nice smile was on her face.

The anger Caroline felt made her blush and without thinking of how awkward it would be talking to Klaus again or that she was only wearing a t-shirt, hotpants and no bra, she dragged Marisol to the other side of the hall and hammered on Klaus’ door.

When Klaus opened the door he was only wearing his jeans and his dark blonde curls were wet from the shower. Caroline was glad that she was already blushing, when she for a short moment thought about how that was how she had seen him last. He was sending her his most charming smile but Caroline just pushed him aside and entered his room.

“Seriously?!” she almost yelled as she showed him Marisol’s wrist. His smile faded a bit but there was still an amused glimpse in his eyes as he raised his eyebrows in a question. Then he closed the door to the hall after her and took a short moment to consider: shirt or no shirt? When he caught Caroline run her eyes over his upper body, his smile grew wider and he made his decision: no shirt.

“What is wrong, love?” he finally asked as he grabbed a towel and began ruffling his hair with it. Caroline had to focus on her anger and Marisol but the bleeding and his naked upper body was distracting her. She released Marisol from her grip and stepped over to him.

Then she pulled the towel out of his hands and tore a piece of it off. Klaus was standing very close to her; just looking at her but Caroline didn’t look at him. She gave him back the towel and went back to Marisol. As she began tying the strip around the woman’s wrist, she talked again.

“What will it take for you to understand that I don’t drink from the vein?” she hissed through her teeth. Klaus threw the towel over a chair and stepper closer to her, very slowly.

“What about last night?” he said, still with a smile on his lips. Caroline opened her mouth but closed it again, when she realised what she was about to say: “Last night was a mistake, it didn’t happen.”

Is that even true? Just because it was wrong, doesn’t mean that it was a mistake. Watch your big mouth, Caroline.

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before answering. “Last night doesn’t count.” she said with a tired voice. The smile had disappeared from Klaus’ face but he was still moving closer.

“How convenient.” he replied with an almost bitter voice. He was only standing a couple of feet from her but she didn’t move or look at him. “Tell me, love. Why is it that you refuse to drink from the vein? I know that you can control it.”

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now