New beginnings

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Caroline felt like she had walked right into a brick wall, when she slowly opened her eyes and the blunt pain in the head hit her. She managed to lift herself to her elbows as her eyes glided around the room that she hadn’t seen before. It had a familiar scent to it, though and after inhaling deeply, she realised that it had to be Stefan’s room.

How did I end up in here? And why is my head killing me like this? I am a vampire; I’m not supposed to get headaches.

Slowly, she lifted the covers off her and looked down herself to see a long white nightgown. She had no memory of putting it on and she quickly widened her senses to check whether anyone else was around. All she heard was Damon walking around downstairs, but she didn’t even stop to think how she knew it was him.

Instead her eyes were caught by her reflection in the full length mirror she was looking in. Her skin was greyish and looked almost paper thin and her hair was untamed and dull. She looked like she had slept in a coffin for centuries and she searched her mind to remember what had possibly caused her to look like this.

But nothing came to mind and she sighed heavily. As she thought about whatever supernatural explanation was the cause of her looks and memory loss, another thought hit her. She had to get out of there, immediately. She had to run as far away as she could from Mystic Falls before it was too late. She had had enough of this stinking town. There was a whole world out there waiting for her and she wanted to see it.

She ignored the small voice in her head that told her something was wrong. That this was wrong. Caroline Forbes would never leave her friends behind. Loyalty was one of her biggest virtues. And yet there was something pulling her away. Something in the back of her mind that told her to run as fast as she could. And so she did.

With resolute steps, she exited the room and entered a long hallway. She needed to go home and pack, but first she needed blood. Her mouth was so dry that it felt like sandpaper and she realised that her thirst had to be the cause of her throbbing headache and grey looking skin. She knew the Salvatore’s had a freezer in the cellar filled with blood bags and she needed to go there before leaving. She couldn’t trust herself among humans while she was this thirsty.

She managed to sneak down to the cellar without being caught by Damon. Caroline needed to leave without meeting anyone, who could change her mind. She quickly opened the freezer and reached for a blood bag. It was gone in mere seconds and before she knew it, she had emptied ten of them, which was the whole stock. She was still very thirsty and in frustration, she slammed the door of the freezer down.

She realised her mistake as soon as she heard Damon stop in his tracks to listen after whatever had caused the sound. Caroline began panicking as she realised that he was coming down to her and for a moment she wished she was another Petrova doppelgänger, so she could fool him like Katherine had done so many times.

“Elena?” Damon said as he rounded the corner and found her in front of the freezer. Caroline looked around confused, wondering if her friend was in the room too, but as she moved her head, she noticed the colour of hair and forced herself not to grab it in shock. Because it wasn’t blonde anymore. Instead it was the same chestnut brown as Elena’s and a quick glance down her body, revealed her friend’s lean figure that Caroline had always been jealous of.

Caroline had no idea what was going on, but she realised that she had gotten exactly what she had wished for and decided to make use of her new looks. She sent Damon a greeting smile and Caroline was surprised to see him return it so quickly. But it was Elena, after all.

“I thought you were visiting the Ripper?” Damon asked with a smirk on his face, but Caroline could sense that he was smiling to hide his insecurity. What ripper had Elena been visiting? She had only ever heard Stefan go by that name, but he had left the town without a word six months ago. Had he come back?

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