Family above all

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Klaus came to a stop abruptly outside his house. Klaus had had the house build before Michael drove them out of New Orleans and it had been empty ever since. But now the Mikaelsons was back and Klaus had renovated the house to fit their new family.

He forced himself to take a deep breath in order to control his anger and all the other thoughts roaming inside his head. Caroline was here. She hadn't exactly arrived on his doorstep but she was here. Why was she here?

Klaus slammed the door after him, not caring about whoever he might wake up and yelled his brother's name. He knew his brother was home as he had left the jazz club just before Klaus to check on Hayley and the baby.


A piercing sound filled Klaus' ears as the child started screaming from upstairs. The incessant crying was driving him mad and Klaus regretted for the thousand time the one night stand he had had with the werewolf months earlier. He screamed his brother's name once more and his fury filled all the corners of the house.

His brother appeared in front of him and before Klaus managed to speak, Elijah spoke in a calm voice.

"Calm down, Niklaus. You have woken the child."

"I don't care who I've woken! Explain to me why Caroline is with Marcel," Klaus yelled at his brother.

"I offered her a deal. She agreed," Elijah said, not flinching at his brother's rage.

"What did you tell her?" Klaus demanded, referring to the possible threats his brother had made against Caroline. After a thousand years Klaus had learned that Elijah wasn't as moral as everybody thought him to be. His brother placed his family above anything else and it had never bothered Klaus much until now.

"When she arrived I told her to leave and when she didn't, I threatened to kill her," Elijah answered plainly. Just as Klaus knew his brother, Elijah also knew that Klaus would calm down soon enough for him to explain why he had done as he did. After all, he hadn't laid a finger upon Caroline.

"You did what?" Klaus screamed once more with murder in his eyes.

The loud crying continued from above and Klaus felt the need to punch something or better yet rip someone's heart out. It made it impossible for Klaus to think and at last he yelled at the ceiling.

"Will someone shut that thing up?"

"Stop screaming!" Rebekah yelled into his face as she appeared in front of him. Klaus stared at his sister without a word in an attempt to control his rage once more.

"Niklaus, that thing is your son, your flesh and blood," Elijah said, interrupting his siblings staring contest.

"And if someone doesn't shut him up, that is all he'll be," Klaus threatened as he looked past Rebekah towards his brother.

"Don't you ever get tired of threatening your own son?" Rebekah asked as she crossed her arms, regaining Klaus' attention.

"Don't push me, sweetheart," Klaus said sweetly. Rebekah felt the anger radiating from her brother and took a small step back.

"Rebekah, please," Elijah implored as he with his eyes told her to take care of the crying.

"Why is it I all of a sudden became babysitter for Nik's kid? Where is Hayley?" she demanded to know, ignoring the glare Elijah sent her.

"She is sleeping," Elijah told with a hint of fondness he couldn't quite hide. Klaus found the bond his brother had formed with Hayley extremely annoying but didn't say anything as he was in no mood for another one of Elijah's speeches.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now