Plan Z

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Caroline and Klaus stopped outside a big red house on Royal Street. Caroline had walked by before and she realised that this was the Mikaelsons' home. It looked old and beautiful but Klaus didn't give her more time to admire it before he dragged her to the door. He let go of her hand and entered through the door, leaving Caroline trapped on the other side.

"I welcome you in, love" Klaus said with a smile on his lips and bowed. Caroline felt confused as she stepped through the door without hitting the "wall" she had before. How could a vampire invite her into a house? She knew that if a vampire owned the house, any vampire could go in. And if you had to be invited in, it had to be by the owner or anyone in that human person's family.

"Wait... How was that possible?" Caroline asked as she pointed at the closed door with a confused look in her eyes. Klaus smiled at her and stepped close to her, invading her personal space for the hundred time within the last twenty-four hours.

"Have I told you how much I adore your mind?" Klaus said in a seductive voice and a flirting smile on his lips. Caroline smiled at him and rolled her eyes as she took a step around him. She was secretly flattered by his words but wasn't about to show him that. Nobody ever called her clever, except for him.

She turned to face him with her arms crossed after taking a quick look at the large hall. She looked at him with a waiting look and a weird expression crossed Klaus' face.

"It is a spell the witches performed." Klaus said in a flat voice that told her to let it go and then walked past her and through two large doors. Caroline shook her head at his vagueness and followed him into the living room.

The large room was bright as light shone in from two large windows turned towards the street. There was a fireplace at the end wall and in front of it two sofas facing each other.

A large armchair was standing in the corner between the fireplace and the windows. The first thing Caroline did was to sit down in the big chair, knowing that it probably was his. Klaus looked at her with raised eyebrows and a smile on lips. He moved to the sofa and sat so he could look at her.

"What are we doing here? If you're not going to help me, I really need to go home." Caroline said to break the silence. Truthfully, she wanted to stay. But she could never do that to the others back in Mystic Falls.

Caroline had called them her friends multiple times but she wasn't sure that was the truth. Her relationship with Elena had never become the same after she got her feelings back. And then there was Damon. And Tyler. Caroline felt alone in Mystic Falls without Stefan and Bonnie and she didn't want to go home to that. But she had to.

Klaus didn't answer her question as he turned his eyes towards the ceiling. "Rebekah, love, can I see you down here? And I need you too, Elijah." Klaus said without raising his voice. Caroline looked at Klaus with an astonished look as all the Originals suddenly were gathered in the room. How could he know that they would hear him?

"How did you...?" Caroline started before interrupting herself. "No wait. Don't answer that. Let's just get on with this so I can go." she said, waving her hands in the air. She noticed how Klaus smile faded, when she revealed that she wanted to get away as fast as possible. Then she turned to look at Rebekah and Elijah.

Rebekah was looking at her with dull eyes and her arms crossed, clearly showing that she didn't wanted to be there. Elijah surprised Caroline by sending her a small smile before he sat in the sofa across from Klaus.

"Caroline. How nice that you're here. You look rubbish, by the way." Rebekah said and sat down in the sofa beside her Klaus. Caroline saw how Klaus sent his sister a warning look and realised that she probably didn't look too good. She had just spent the last minutes sobbing and crying so her eyes were most likely red and swollen.

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