Welcome to New Orleans: The City of Mystery

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Caroline felt excited as she packed her suitcase, but also a little guilty. This wasn't supposed to be fun or exciting. But Caroline had had a difficult time relaxing ever since they had bought her plane ticket to New Orleans three days earlier. Caroline had been ready to take off right after her fight with Tyler, but they had to come up with a plan first.

Elena and Damon would spend the time, while she was away, finding a way to work out the witchy-witchy stuff as Damon called it. Caroline had no idea if her plan would work or if it was even possible, but she had seen stranger.

Hell, Bonnie had brought Jeremy back to life twice. Although it in the end had cost her her life. But this wasn't about bringing anyone back to life. This was about finding a little help in the afterlife.

The hard part of the plan was doing all these things without Silas finding out what they were up to. They had discussed Caroline's departure and how Silas would react many times, still not knowing what would happen.

Silas had taken a creepy interest in Caroline and he would quickly notice her being gone. Hopefully she would be back with the help before he could think twice about it.

Caroline didn't how long she was going to be away, but had packed clothes for a week. As she struggled with closing her suitcase, she admitted to herself that there possibly was clothes for more than a week, but she hadn't been able to choose what to take with her and what to leave behind.

She looked at herself in the mirror one last time and smiled. To hell with it all, this was an adventure. She pulled up the handle of the suitcase and dragged it on its wheels out of her house. Caroline locked the door behind her and threw her suitcase in the back of her car.

She was about to open the door to the driver's seat, when she sensed someone behind her and stopped.

"Tyler," she whispered without turning around. She could recognize his scent just like she had learned to do with all her friends and family. That way she had learned to identify Silas so she wouldn't reveal anything that she shouldn't; like where she was going in her car.

As she turned around, Tyler walked towards her with an apologetic look on his face. Caroline didn't move, patiently waiting for him to come closer. He smiled at her, throwing his hands in the air to show her he wasn't there to fight.

"So you're going to New Orleans alone?" he asked cautiously, making Caroline sigh. She was in no mood to hear his warnings or accusations and answered with a nod. She sent him a look that told him to get to the point or get lost.

"I'm sorry, Care. I was just angry and hurt. Is there any way we can get this to work?" Tyler said with a careful smile and his chin tilted down. She didn't fall for his attempt to be charming and just shook her head, making her curls bounce.

"I'm sorry too, Tyler. But this is over. You don't trust me anymore and nothing I say seems to change that. I love you, Tyler, but I can't do this anymore," Caroline told him emphatically, hoping to imprint the words in his mind.

"I know. Just be careful, okay? You're toying with Silas and he isn't afraid to let you die like Klaus is. And if you see her, say hi to Hayley for me, will you?" He sounded worried despite it all.

"If she really is with Klaus then sure, I'll say you said hi. And you stay away from Silas, okay? He might appear as me to you but you can't reveal anything," Caroline warned with a finger pointed at his chest.

She then put her arms around his neck, hugging him one last time. His arms were around her back, squeezing her a bit too tight but she didn't say anything. Then she let go and stepped back, sending him a smile before giving his cheek a peck.

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