Hope it gives you hell

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A branch snapped under Caroline's foot and the sound made her freeze for a moment. The rapid pace of her heart beats picked up speed and she had to force herself to breathe. She was walking towards the witch hotspot and her mind had wandered to what had happened several months ago, when she had walked the woods with Klaus, trying to find Bonnie and the twelve witches.

She considered it to be one of the worst days in her vampire life, or at least the darkest. Because of her, twelve people were buried in the ground under her, when all they wanted was to stop Bonnie from losing control and bringing everything around her down with her. But Bonnie was her best friend, her sister, and there had been no possible way for Caroline to stand idle by while her friend was stabbed to death.

Guilt surged through her as she thought about the consequences of her actions. She had been the one to create the last hotspot in the expression triangle, allowing the veil to be brought down and enabling Bonnie to bring back Jeremy, losing her own life in the process. But yet, her rescue of Bonnie was one of those moments she couldn't bring herself to regret and for a moment, Klaus invaded her head again. He never seemed to regret anything, after all.

The November air was still and cold in this part of the forest and Caroline subconsciously hugged her own body, knowing that she should be freezing even though she wasn't. She took the final steps into the peaceful clearing that bore no evidence of what had happened there. Rays of the sun had found its way through the crowns of the trees and Caroline stepped into the light on the ground.

She stood there for less than a minute before Silas appeared in front of her with Tyler on tow. The hybrid's back was pressed against Silas and his shirt was ripped from struggling with the two-thousand year old vampire. Caroline quickly took a step towards them but Silas stopped her with a head shake and a warning glare.

"Hello, Caroline. How good of you to come. I missed this, you know. You and I, getting along. Being friends." Silas said with a mischievous grin.

"I was never friends with you, Silas." Caroline retorted, but he just laughed at her. "Let Tyler go now. I did what you told me to. They will come for me soon."

"For your sake, I truly hope so. But first you and I are going to have a lot of fun together. Now step over here and I will let Tyler go."

Caroline nodded and slowly took a step towards them. Then she took another and soon she was only a few feet away from being able to touch Tyler.

"No, Caroline. Don't do this. Just run far away from here. I'll be fine. I can handle this. Get out of here now." Tyler told her with an insisting voice and a pleading look. She knew that he meant it and that he was willing to endure all the pain Silas would inflict on him if it meant she was safe. And that broke her heart. Because he did it out of love. A love that Caroline didn't reciprocate anymore.

"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler... How nice of you to offer her freedom just so she can run off with Klaus. Because that is what you are going to do, isn't it? You know what? I've changed my mind. Tyler will go free on one condition: you tell him about all the dirty things you've been doing with Klaus. And remember, I can go inside your head. So don't lie." Silas said and shot her an amused smile.

Caroline glared back at him for a long moment and then looked at Tyler, who had become completely still. He was watching her intently and Caroline felt herself gulp. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, determined not to let Silas faze her. This was like ripping off a bandage. Tyler deserved to know the truth even though it wasn't as bad as Silas made it seem.

"We've kissed... twice. The first time I was drunk and the second time was as a distraction from Silas' mind control. That's it. I am sorry, Tyler. I didn't mean to. It just... happened. And you can be mad at me and hate me for the rest of eternity, but that is all that ever happened." Caroline said with a firm voice and looked Tyler straight in the eye.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now