Back to reality

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“I can’t believe you! You just killed an innocent woman and you don’t even care! What the hell is wrong with you?!” Caroline screamed at Klaus, who was standing with his back to her in front of the fireplace in the Mikaelsons’ living room.

She had been able to escape Marcel a few minutes after the crowd had disappeared and both the body and Klaus were gone. She still couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed and had decided that it was a good idea to give Klaus a piece of her mind. Now, she wasn’t so sure anymore but she had no idea about what to do with the turmoil inside her and he was the only punching bag she had.

“Of course I don’t care, Caroline! And what would you have me do back there? Just let her run? And how far do you think she would have come? I did her a favour by making it fast.” Klaus yelled back as he turned around to face her.

“A favour?! She is dead, Klaus! You could’ve helped her! You are faster and stronger than all of them!” Caroline retorted and shot him a deadly glare, which he returned.

“Don’t be so naïve, love. She was dead the moment she walked into this city. Do you really think that was the first time Marcel have asked me to kill someone for him? This is why Marcel needs to be taken down.”

“You really expect me to believe that you’re doing this for the lives of innocent people? This has to do with nothing else than your egocentric need for power. All you care about is that goddamn throne that isn’t even real! You have a son, Klaus! A living breathing miracle that requires your attention but all you can do is to think about is yourself! I finally thought I saw a decent person behind all your anger, distrust and resentment. I can’t believe that I was beginning to fall for you!” Caroline yelled, clamping a hand over her mouth as the last sentence escaped her.      

The anger immediately left Klaus’ eyes as they widened in surprise. As he took a step forward, Caroline took one back and his eyes darkened again.

“You forget who I am, Caroline. I am not your precious little Tyler or the ever-perfect Matt. I am the bad guy. The villain. And I have been so for the last thousand years. Don’t expect me to change overnight, Caroline or at all. Just because I care for you, it doesn’t mean I’ve become a different person.” Klaus said with a dangerously calm voice.

They stared at each other for almost half a minute and the silence build up the tension between them. Then a thought hit Caroline and she broke the silence.

“You compelled me, didn’t you?” she said with a detached voice. Klaus blinked in confusion but the expression that crossed his face told her that she was right.

“You knew that this was going to happen and you compelled me to not be able to say or do anything, to look completely emotionless, furthermore letting me forget all about the compulsion.” Caroline continued, now feeling betrayed.

“Marcel would have killed you if you had acted against him, love. It was the only way for me to keep you safe.” Klaus said with worry in his voice.

How the hell does he even do that? Psychopath one moment, worried boyfriend the next. Oh no, not boyfriend. That’s a wrong word to call him… don’t call him that, Caroline.

“So instead you forced me to watch you murder some innocent girl while I was able to do nothing. Whoever said chivalry was dead is clearly wrong.” Caroline said sarcastically and crossed her arms in front of her. For some reason she wanted to fight with him. She needed him to yell at her, to remind her how he really was and to distract her from her own feelings.

“Why are you so keen on getting me angry, love?” Klaus said with hidden amusement in his voice, surprising Caroline. How the hell did he know that?

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now