It's in your head

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Caroline was standing in the Lockwood cellar, not knowing what to do with herself. Everything was crumbling around her. It felt like the world was turning its back on her and she was left all alone in the dark.

She thought about graduation day, the day the end had its beginning. They had defeated Silas, turning him into stone. They had graduated together, an accomplishment Caroline had doubted they all would achieve many times. Damon survived and despite how much Caroline was against it, he made Elena happy. Jeremy was resurrected and Tyler was allowed to come home.

For a short moment Caroline allowed herself to feel the bubbling happiness she felt as Klaus told her Tyler was free. And then he promised her that he would wait for her. For a brief second as Klaus had kissed her to cheek, her knees had weakened and her heart fluttered. After leaving the football field, Klaus had said his goodbyes and disappeared before her eyes with his last words, "take care, love"

Caroline had waited an hour before calling Tyler because of a strange wish to not violate what had just happened between Klaus and her. She had sat on her bed as she dialled Tyler's number and recorded a message on his cell phone.

"Tyler, it's me. It's over. He's gone, Silas is gone. And so is Klaus. He said you could come back, he won't hunt you anymore. You can come back to me, Tyler. Something about a graduation present, but it doesn't matter. Come home, Tyler. I love you. See you soon."

Tyler was outside her house the next morning and Caroline had flung herself at him. Their lips had met over and over again, and Caroline never wanted to let go of him. They had spent the day mostly naked, catching up and only stopped to tell the others about his return.

Caroline had forgotten all about the cleaning up they now had to do. Katherine was human with no memory of her vampire life. Jeremy was back from the dead and Bonnie had apparently left for the summer. Stefan had also disappeared and even though she was a bit hurt he didn't say goodbye to her, she understood him.

Caroline also felt the need to get away so she had packed a suitcase and told Tyler to do the same. They drove to the nearest airport the morning after and were suddenly on their way to Buenos Aires. Caroline had never really left Mystic Falls and the first couple of days, she couldn't stop smiling. Everything was new and exciting. Just as Klaus said, the world had been waiting for her and if it hadn't been for Tyler, she could have travelled right up until her first day of college.

But reality had called them back to Mystic Falls and as the summer break drew to a close, everything slowly collapsed.

Stefan was back in town and Caroline tried to cheer him up as much as possible, knowing it was hard for him to see his brother and the love of his life together. Looking back, Caroline should have known something was wrong but she was living inside a bubble of happiness with her boyfriend, friends, and the future just waiting for her to jump into it.

The day before her leaving for college, they still hadn't seen any sign of Bonnie but Jeremy had been communicating with her, so even though Caroline was mad at Bonnie for not saying goodbye, she wasn't worried. Bonnie had used every inch of her power to stop Silas so they all had figured that she was regenerating somewhere that wasn't as overpopulated with supernatural creatures as Mystic Falls.

But then he told her. Silas revealed himself to her and showed her everything as they really were. Bonnie was dead. Stefan was gone. Hell was descending. And her world had shattered into a thousand pieces.

Caroline never experienced her first day of college. Tyler and her mom tried to convince her to go, to get out of town and be safe. But Caroline knew that she could never leave her friends and family like that, and especially not without Tyler. She had managed to get her tuition back with a bit of compulsion, not knowing if she would ever go back.

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