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Caroline took one last look in the mirror before she exited her room with her sunglasses on top of her head. Klaus was standing in the hallway and they moved towards the elevator. As they doors opened, Caroline fought a smile as the piccolo from earlier was standing inside. All colour dropped from his face as soon as he saw her and he nearly ran into Klaus in order to get out before the doors closed.

“What’s the rush, mate?” Klaus asked with an irritated voice. The piccolo just pointed at Caroline but before he could say anything the doors closed and he disappeared. Klaus was looking at Caroline with both surprise and amusement but she just shrugged her shoulders and looked at the elevator doors.

The sun was shining when they stepped out of the hotel and Caroline put on her sunglasses as they moved down the street. Klaus led them back to the cathedral and they paid for entrance at a counter. She was a bit surprised that he didn’t just compel his way through but she didn’t say anything.

As they stepped inside the large cathedral, Caroline had to stop and breathe as she took it all in. It was bigger than she had ever imagined and like nothing she had seen before. Klaus was just standing beside her, a smile on his face and his hands behind his back as he waited for her to comprehend everything.

The morning light shone through the great mosaic windows and covered the floor in beautiful colours. Only a few tourists had found their way to the church at this hour but the echo from their footsteps almost seemed too loud for Caroline’s vampire hearing. Caroline barely noticed Klaus’ stare but when she at last turned to him with a smile on her face, she was surprised to see the look on his face.

The wonder present in Caroline’s face was present in his too but in whole different way. He hadn’t been studying the cathedral but her and he had seen every emotion crossing Caroline’s face from the moment they had stepped in. For a moment he had a hard time remembering if he had ever seen anything quite as beautiful.

Caroline then proceeded down one of the great halls in the rectangular ship of the church and Klaus followed close behind her. They spent half an hour just wandering around, looking at all the relics and tombs in the cabinets placed around the ship and at last they stopped at Christopher Columbus’ tomb, where Columbus’ remains supposedly were buried. 

Caroline looked at Klaus with her eyebrows raised and he clearly knew what she was asking.

“I might have lived for a millennium, Caroline, but I don’t know everything.” Klaus said and smiled at her. He still found her perception of time and place amusing but decided not to lecture her about it.

“So you don’t know?” she asked with a slightly disappointed voice.

“I do.” Klaus just answered and then looked at the tomb once more. He was about to talk again, when he felt a sudden change in the air. As he tried to turn his head, he realised that he wasn’t able to move. They had found the witch.

“Caroline. Can you move?” Klaus asked through his teeth.

“What are you talking about?” Caroline sighed, irritated by his lack of answer to her question. Then she saw it. Klaus seemed completely frozen in his place and Caroline quickly moved towards him.

She stopped right in front him and looked into his enraged eyes. Slowly she moved her hand towards his cheek and as she got closer she felt the frozen air around him. She withdrew her hand and searched the space around her with her eyes.

Lucy appeared with a lifted hand from behind a large statue by Columbus’ tomb. She was clearly using a lot of her powers to hold Klaus in his place. Caroline walked over to her with a determined look on her face but she wasn’t able to get closer than an arm’s length.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now