Plan of attack

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“One more time; why is it, it has to be me?” Caroline asked Lucy with a nervous voice.

Because you are the only one that I can’t count on not to be corrupted by it. I don’t know you, Caroline, but Bonnie do and that is what she told me.” Lucy said firmly, explaining what was going to happen for the third time since she told her in Spain.

“What if I am not able to control it? Won’t all that power do… something to me?”

I don’t know. There are some things that are uncertain about this, but this is the only way to be rid of Silas for good. Just know that I will do anything in my power to protect you from losing yourself. But you might have to sacrifice some things.

A thousand thoughts ran through Caroline’s head as she wondered what Lucy meant. Was it things like her sanity, a limb or her blonde hair? Or was it someone. Like her friends or a certain hybrid, who had what seemed like an unhinged need for power.

“Like what?” Caroline asked, wary of the answer.

I won’t know until it actually happens.”

“Why do I feel like I am not making a very informed decision?” Caroline laughed humourlessly.

Do you remember what I told you in Spain?

“Yes. And I still stand by my answer.” Caroline replied with confident voice.

Lucy had already in Spain informed her that there would be uncertainties about what they were going to do and that there could be side effects to the spell that they didn’t knew about. But Caroline had told her that all she needed to know was that it would rid the world of Silas.

Good. All you have to do is convince the others that you have to kill Silas. If this is going to work, you have to physically connect with his blood. If not, the spell will find the strongest host and settled within that person.

“Klaus?” Caroline asked, but she wasn’t talking to Lucy. While talking to the witch, Caroline had moved from her bedroom to the kitchen, passing through the entrance hall to get there. At the corner of her eye she saw a man stand outside the front door, but as soon as she turned to face him, he was gone.

Yes. He would most likely be the one.” Lucy said, interrupting Caroline’s thoughts as she brought her back to their conversation.

“No that wasn’t what I- wait, so if I don’t connect with Silas’ blood when you lift the spell off him, all of his powers will go into Klaus?” Caroline asked, suddenly alert. One thing was her struggling with having put a two-thousand year old immortality spell on her, a whole other thing was Klaus who most likely would try to take over the world and probably succeed. 


“Oh. That doesn’t sound… sustainable.” Caroline said hesitantly, lacking a better word to use.

That was very mildly put.” Lucy commented and Caroline knew what that really meant. The witch had been afraid that Caroline and Klaus had a little more than friendly relationship that would make Caroline go against the plan and put everyone in danger by making Klaus stronger than ever. Lucy had expressed those concerns in Spain and Caroline had not told her about what had happened since. She wasn’t going to either.

“I guess. Look, I know what will happen if Klaus got hold of Silas’ powers and I’m not going to let that happen. I won’t tell any of them what is going on and afterwards I guess I’ll just gonna have to get used to deceiving people. But that is kind of one of Silas’ skills, so perhaps that comes with the powers too.”

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