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The humming of the engines filled Klaus’ ears and he had to close his eyes and concentrate in order to shut it out. Beside him was Caroline, her chest moving steadily up and down and with closed eyes as she had fallen asleep.

Her head was turned towards him and he couldn’t help but notice how serious she looked in her sleep. As if she was thinking hard about something important. A small frown appeared on Caroline’s forehead and her hand moved closer to his on the armrest between them.

He looked down on her hand, wondering if he could touch it without waking her up. He could almost feel the softness of her skin just by looking at it and a smile appeared on his face as he remembered what had happened between them on their first night in Seville.  

With closed eyes he remembered the feeling of her lips on his, how her legs had been wrapped around him and the way she had looked at him with so much hunger in her eyes. For a short moment, he also felt the regret that had surged through him as soon as he had left her hotel room. He had almost turned on his heels to re-enter the room but then he had remembered the look in Caroline’s eyes and closed his own door behind him.

Caroline’s eyes might have been hungry and lustful but they had also been slightly vacant. As if her body wanted to continue what they were doing but her mind couldn’t quite catch up. He wasn’t going to let it be something she regretted later and he had felt it as much as he had seen it that she weren’t ready… yet.

As the stewardess announced their landing over the speakers, Klaus opened his eyes and looked at Caroline once more. Then he grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly to wake her up.

“Caroline.” Klaus called in a low voice and the frown on her forehead disappeared. He gave her hand another squeeze, enjoying the feeling of her skin against his and this time her eyelids fluttered as if she struggled to open her eyes.

A couple of seconds later, Caroline slowly opened her eyes and for a moment she didn’t seem to know where she was. Then her eyes focused on his and he noticed how they lit up as she finally seemed to wake up completely.

“We’ll be landing in ten minutes time.” Klaus told her and she just nodded before she turned her head to look out of the window. Klaus leaned back in his seat with a sigh, looking forward to getting ground beneath his feet and escape the constant noise of the engines.

He didn’t notice how Caroline had brought her free hand in front of her mouth in an attempt to hide her smile and that she wasn’t remotely interested in looking at the cloud they were descending through. Neither did he feel the eyes of the Bennett witch on him as she stared at the hand that was still encasing Caroline’s from the other side of the hall.


Caroline dropped her bags on the bed with a sigh before opening the doors to the balcony, letting the cool November air clear her mind. So much had happened in the last few days that Caroline had a hard time wrapping her head around it.

She had been to Spain with Klaus and she had been close to sleeping with him. A smile made its way to her lips as she thought of how he had held her hand on the plane. It had felt much better than she had expected and Caroline suddenly felt the blood rise to her cheeks as she involuntary thought about how it would be to kiss him again.

She immediately shook her head as the thought crossed her mind and instead took her time alone to think about what Lucy had said. Caroline still wasn’t sure why Lucy needed her but if she had understood the witch properly, Caroline’s life would soon change forever. Caroline wasn’t sure that she was ready for such a responsibility or that she ever would be but Lucy had explained that Caroline was the only one that the witch would trust with this.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now