Hey Love

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Caroline let Elijah place a kiss on her hand and excused herself to go to the bathroom. She had to force herself not to look back as she felt three pairs of eyes following her. Caroline hadn't yet reached the bathroom when she heard Marcel's voice again.

"Isn't she marvellous?" Marcel proclaimed, knowing that she could easily hear him if she was listening. There was a weird sound that almost sounded like a growl and Caroline almost stopped in surprise.

She had reached the door to the bathroom and chanced a quick glance at the men before she disappeared through the door. Marcel was giving Klaus a surprised look but the hybrid's face was blank.

"Sorry, mate. I just had something stuck in my throat," Klaus said casually. A small smile spread on Caroline's lips before she could stop it and she quickly closed the door behind her.

Caroline had to get herself under control but she couldn't figure out how. She was panicking, her breath catching in her throat and she felt ridiculous being undead but also unable to breathe properly because those two things should already be mutually exclusive. 

She went to the bathroom sinks and turned on the cold water, dapping some on the back of her neck. It made her feel slightly better but she was still at a loss of what to do next.

"Are you okay?" Caroline hadn't noticed the door opening and she lifted her head to find the source of the voice through the mirror. A woman about her age stood a few steps behind Caroline with a worried expression on her face, which suddenly morphed into one of horror.

"Oh my God!"

Focusing on her own face, Caroline saw the dark veins pulsing underneath a blood-shot predatory gaze and in a blink she was standing between the woman and the door to prevent her escape. 

"Quiet," Caroline ordered the woman, who looked ready to scream but fell silent as the compulsion took hold. She took a deep, calming breath but felt the sharpness of her fangs as the hammering pulse of the frightened human threatened her grade A self-control.

She was tempted but she couldn't. She wouldn't. She didn't have much left but this she had control; she had to.

Stop it, Caroline. Don't you dare.

"Please don't be scared, it's just make-up," Caroline continued after a few more deep breaths and she felt the veins and fangs retreat. "Forget we talked and leave."

The woman nodded mutely and it was almost alarming how fast her pulsed slowed down as the fear left her. She did a slow blink and then another in surprise at seeing Caroline standing right in front of her.

"Oh, sorry. Am in your way?"

"No, no, it's my bad. Go on," Caroline told her quickly and stepped to the side to let the woman leave. A quick look in the mirror showed that her face was back to normal except for the wide-eyed, anxious expression on her face.

She waited for a moment in the quiet of the bathroom before taking out her phone to find Elijah's contact, which had given her the night before. After two rings, he answered.


"What is he doing here?! You said he wouldn't be here until tomorrow!"

"I know. But it is not a particularly exact science."

Once again she had no idea what he was talking about and decided to let it go.

"You need to get him out of here."

"I do not believe that is possible."

"Then I'm leaving. I can't do this with him staring at me."

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now