A Gentleman's agreement

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Elijah sat in the big armchair in the living room, looking into the fire and pondering his next move. An hour ago, Elijah had been determined to get rid of Caroline, certain that she wasn't going to leave before Niklaus returned. He hadn't promised not to kill her but it suddenly felt wrong.

While Caroline had told him of Katerina, Elijah had seen something in her and he had realised that the girl in front of him was his brother's humanity. Elijah had hoped that the baby would awaken something in Niklaus but he also knew it was a far stretch. Niklaus would maybe care for the child but it was Caroline he loved. Would Elijah ever learn to understand his brother?

Elijah didn't quite know what to do with the news of Katerina and the first thing he had done was to Google her. It was one of those modern inventions that baffled him. In an instant he had gotten thousands of hits about Michaela Petersen, but not a single one was about Katerina. Caroline had done a good job to protect her and Elijah felt his gratitude towards Caroline grow.

He knew how easy it would have been for them to just give her to Niklaus, but Caroline knew what it would do to him and she didn't want Katerina to become Niklaus' new source of hybrids. For a moment, Elijah thought of taking the first flight to New York to find her, but it wasn't the time.

Elijah thought of what he had seen earlier and as he rose from the chair he made a decision. First he had to find the blonde vampire.


Caroline paid for her dinner and was again at a loss of what she should do. She had no idea what Elijah was thinking and for all she knew, this could be her last meal. Caroline sat for a moment, looking at her surroundings as if she would never see them again and then got up and left. She decided to go back to her room and maybe have another chat with Marie. Perhaps the old lady knew something.

As Caroline entered the lobby, she began wondering if the small hotel was one of those grey zones that Stefan had talked about, when he'd told about the stupid concept of being invited in or if it really was owned by a vampire. In this town, it wouldn't surprise her.

Marie came through a door behind the desk as Caroline walked towards the stairs and Caroline were able to spot a small apartment through the open door. Marie smiled at her and asked her how she liked New Orleans so far. Caroline had a hard time answering as she hadn't had time to think about.

"I guess it's nice. I don't exactly feel welcome yet but maybe it'll change soon," Caroline told her honestly, hoping that Elijah had changed his mind since she saw him last. 

"And did you find who you were looking for, dear?" Marie asked with a knowing smile. Caroline sent her a suspicious look as she answered Marie's question. 

"Sort of. Not the exact person I was looking for but I hope he'll do," Caroline said, giving her host a smile.

"You do mean Elijah Mikaelson, if I am not mistaken?" Marie said, making Caroline's heart pound a little faster. 

"You know Elijah?" Caroline questionedin surprise, though Marie seemed the person to know every secret of the city. Both its human and undead world.

"You should take a closer look at those photos one day, but not now because he is waiting upstairs for you," Marie said without answering Caroline's question. Marie pointed towards the ceiling and Caroline's eyes followed.

"Thank you, Marie," Caroline said and swallowed before she went up the stairs. This time she took the stairs in human speed, not knowing what was waiting for her in her room.

Elijah was standing on her balcony, looking down at all the humans and vampires that went by on the street. Caroline stood in the middle of her room for a moment, watching his back and then went out to stand beside him. She was turned towards him but almost a minute went by before Elijah looked at her. 

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