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Caroline woke up after sleeping a couple of hours and looked around her room, confused about where she was. Hadn’t she already woken up once already that morning? Then she remembered her trip to the graveyard, her breakdown and her talk with Klaus. Klaus had been here, or was it all just a dream?

When she swung her legs out of the bed, she suddenly noticed that she was dressed and the blanket over her was from the living room, which meant that it wasn’t a dream and he had really been there. The thought sent butterflies through her stomach before she could shake it off and she quickly decided to take another bath to clear her mind and get the dirt from the graveyard off of her.

As she stood in the shower, she thought about the day before and how she had yelled at her friends. What they had done and said wasn’t okay, but perhaps Caroline had overreacted a little. She had had the feeling of being pushed into a corner with no chance of escape and her own feelings had overwhelmed her as she had found herself suddenly protecting the Original family.

Caroline decided to go back to the boarding house to talk to her friends and as soon she was dressed, she grabbed her car keys and drove off. Caroline knocked on the front door, waiting for someone to let her in as she was not sure to what could be going on in there. It was past noon but Caroline was not sure whether the two love birds had even left the bed.

A moment after Damon opened the door, fully dressed, and he shot her a small smile before inviting her in. She entered the living room, where Elena stood, dressed in short running tights and a sports bra. Small wooden stakes were embedded in the walls, a lamp was on the floor broken and they had also managed to destroy one of the coffee tables during their training.

“Hi Care.” Elena said with a careful voice, not knowing if her blonde friend was still angry.

“Hey. I see you’ve been busy.” Caroline greeted, almost forcing the cheerful tone.

Damon walked past her and found his alcohol in a vitrine cabinet where it had been placed safely away from their fighting. As he went to pour himself a glass, Caroline and Elena sat down in one of the sofas after walking over the broken table.

“I’ll have one too, thank you.” Caroline said and received a surprised look from Damon and Elena. The oldest Salvatore then filled another glass and gave it to Caroline before sitting down in the other sofa. It was too early in the day for her to drink but she needed something to calm her down.

All the feelings that had overwhelmed her, a couple of hours earlier, was still there and she found it hard to push them away. Furthermore she kept thinking of the small conversations she had had with Klaus while he had sat beside her on her bed. His presence there was the only reason she had even been able to fall asleep. She had felt safe with the feeling his eyes on her, her hand in his and the small tip of the mattress that told her he was still there.    

“Look, Caroline. We’re sorry about yesterday. We shouldn’t have acted that way. We were just so surprised to see you like that, talking to Elijah. Especially, because we have become so used to being suspicious of anything involving the Originals. It wasn’t our intention to interrogate you the way you felt we did. I’m sorry. Can you forgive us?” Elena asked and placed her hand over Caroline’s free one.

“Of course I can forgive you! And I know I might overreacted a bit too. I think it was because of Silas. I was still shaken after meeting him. He kissed me! I feel like sanitizing my mouth every other minute. And I should really have explained everything better before I just jumped from one thing to another. So I’m sorry too.” Caroline said and the two girls hugged each other for a few seconds.

“Not to be the insensitive jackass but can we move on? What did happen in New Orleans, Caroline?” Damon interrupted with an impatient voice and received a glare from both girls. Then Caroline sighed and took a sip of her drink before she started talking.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now