Bright eyes

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“Pardon me, love?” Klaus said with a confused look in his eyes as the darkness in his eyes slipped away.

“Your son. I want to see him.” Caroline stated and smiled at Klaus. By the look he gave her, it was clear he didn’t like the idea but Caroline was stubborn. “Caroline…” Klaus started but Caroline just stood up and opened the doors to the hall. She walked to the foot of the stairs but stopped when Klaus suddenly was standing right in front of her.

Caroline duck around him and sped to the second floor, where Hayley’s voice had come from. She wasn’t exactly thrilled about meeting the werewolf slut but it was Hayley’s son too so she probably couldn’t avoid it. Caroline found a long hall with doors on both sides of it and stopped to listen after the sound of Hayley or the baby.

Before Caroline could move down the hall and find Hayley, she was pinned against the wall by Klaus, who was looking at her with a distressed look in his eyes. He was grabbing her shoulders, pushing her against the wall and Caroline felt the irritation spread inside her.

“Seriously?! What is wrong with you?” Caroline asked with a high voice. This was just plain weird. It was not like she was going to eat the baby. Klaus didn’t answer her and slowly he let go of her and followed her down the hall.

Without knocking, Caroline opened the second door on left and entered what probably was the nursery. On the white walls someone had painted lots of flying birds in all sorts of colours and the shadow of a boy was sitting, leaning against the doorframe, looking at the birds.

Did Klaus do all this? Well, probably not. He hasn’t changed that much.

The thought of Klaus painting the nursery like a normal parent made Caroline smile more than it should and she quickly placed her focus elsewhere. There was a big window at the opposite wall of the door, facing Royal Street like the ones in the living room. A beautiful light blue cradle was placed by the right wall and not far from it was a one-man bed with unmade covers.

Hayley was sitting in an armchair placed in the left corner, next to the window, of the small room with a child in her arms. She looked at them, surprised by their entry and her look told Caroline that she was more surprised to see Klaus than Caroline.   

“Caroline.” was all Hayley said as she sent Caroline a not-happy-to-see-you smile. Caroline tilted her head and returned the smile.

“Hayley. You look like crap.” Caroline said with a sweet voice and crossed her arms in front of her. In meantime Klaus had moved around her and was standing in front of the window, looking out.

“Well, I just popped out a baby. What’s your excuse?” Hayley replied with the same voice and a nauseating smile. Caroline rolled her eyes before fixing them on the child. The boy looked peaceful in Hayley’s arm and his eyes were wide open as he stared at the ceiling.

“How’s Tyler?” Hayley asked with a voice that sounded both genuinely curious and slighty mocking. Caroline knew that even though it all had been an act, Hayley had had feelings for Tyler. Caroline had felt in the air every time they were near each other. And it was clear that Tyler was attracted to the wolf girl but then again, who wouldn’t be?

Klaus must be attracted to her too… 

Caroline glanced at Klaus’ back and saw how his muscles tensed underneath his shirt. After all these months, he still hated Tyler and Caroline couldn’t help but roll her eyes of his stubbornness. Then Caroline looked back at Hayley, took a step closer and leaned towards her with a smile on her lips.

“I thought you already knew?” Caroline said with an innocent voice and she saw how Hayley’s eyes quickly moved from Caroline to Klaus and then back again to Caroline. A barely visible sign of fear crossed Hayley’s face for a moment and Caroline suddenly regretted telling Klaus about her conversation with Tyler.

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