A distraction

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Caroline had barely put her phone back in her pocket, when it began to vibrate again. She looked down on the unknown number and hesitantly answered the call.

Hello.” said the voice in the other end, startling Caroline. Hayley was the last person she ever expected to receive a call from.

“Hello...” Caroline almost asked as she had no idea what else to say.

We need your help.” Hayley said with an urgent voice, making Caroline more alert.

“For what?”

Marcel is here and he can’t know about Henrik. We have to get him out of the house before Marcel hears him.” Hayley whispered with a fearful voice, clearly afraid for the safety of her child.

“What can I do?” Caroline quickly answered. As much as she disliked the werewolf girl, she couldn’t let an innocent child get hurt. Especially not Klaus’ innocent child.

Elijah will be there in a moment with him so you just have to keep the doors to your balcony open so he can get in quickly.” Hayley replied in a low voice.

“Okay. I’ll be waiting for him.”

And Caroline? If anybody as much as crumble a hair of my son while he’s with you, I will snap your neck.” Hayley said with a humourless voice. Caroline had to force down a chuckle but a smile spread across her face.

That’s the spirit.

“Hayley, if anybody touches your son, I will kill them myself. Even if it’s Marcel.” Caroline said with a serious voice.

Thank you.” was all Hayley said and then Caroline hung up.

In that same moment, Elijah wooshed into her room, the baby in his arms and Caroline quickly closed the balcony doors behind him. The child started crying and Caroline nervously looked out through the glass of the balcony doors.

“Won’t any of Marcel’s spies hear and see us?” Caroline asked without taking her eyes of the roof on the opposite side of the street.

“Rebekah is taking care of that.” Elijah replied without taking his eyes of the crying baby. Caroline noticed a cunning smile on Elijah’s lips and couldn’t help but smile herself at the thought of Rebekah, who was probably highly unsatisfied of being bodyguard… again.

Slowly the baby stopped crying and Elijah placed him on Caroline’s bed from where he stared at his uncle with wide eyes. Elijah sat on the bed beside the baby and Caroline couldn’t help but think that Elijah probably was the father that Henrik would never have.

The room was silent for a couple of minutes and Caroline got lost in her thoughts while she looked outside of the balcony doors.

“I hear your trip to Spain was productive.” Elijah said, ripping Caroline from her somewhat sad thoughts and unwillingly making her blush. She immediately saw that Elijah had noticed her blushing but all he did was to avert his eyes to the boy beside him.

“Yeah, Lucy was surprisingly quick to agree to help us.” Caroline said, looking out of the balcony doors.

“And my brother wasn’t intolerable?” Elijah said with a slightly amused glimpse in his eyes as he looked at Caroline again. She felt her cheeks heathen up once more and this time a small smile appeared on Elijah’s lips.

“No, he was… nice. Surprisingly.” Caroline answered genuinely, making Elijah’s smile widen slightly. Caroline was actually surprised by Klaus’ behaviour in Spain. There was the one time with Lucy where he might had overreacted a bit but she still had a hard time understanding how human he had been the rest of the time. She wasn’t sure what she had expected before leaving with him but it definitely wasn’t that.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now