Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today

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"We need help," Caroline announced as she entered the Salvatore boarding house. She had called ahead, securing that she wouldn't walk in on either Elena or Damon naked. She had done that one too many times. Compared to those two, Tyler and her were practically saints.

It was like they had nothing better to do so that's how they spent their time. Caroline was getting tired of their never-ending honeymoon but had decided to keep her mouth shut. At least Stefan wasn't here to see them.

Elena was sitting in one of the sofas, writing in her diary and Damon was standing in front of the fireplace, looking down in the flames. Despite everything, Caroline still felt sorry for Damon and they had had their moments.

Silas was haunting Damon too, but in a different kind of way. Silas was always teasing and pushing Caroline but with Damon he was just plain evil.

With Stefan's face and voice, he uttered every guilt Damon felt towards his brother. It was excruciating to watch and it usually took a couple of days of drinking for Damon to come back to his old self. In these days, Elena was practically banned from the boarding house so she often travelled to be with her brother.

Elena's brother was finishing high school in another city, where nobody knew him or his sister. He was dead after all. They had changed his name and given him a whole new identity. Elena and Jeremy. They were all that was left of the Gilberts.

Elena quickly closed her journal and stood up from the sofa, looking at Caroline with those caring eyes that didn't quite seem to fit her vampire-self anymore. "Care... Are you okay? Is everything okay with Tyler?" she asked in a gentle tone of voice.

Caroline hadn't seen Tyler since he indirectly told her he was breaking up with her a couple of days earlier. She visited his house but nobody was there. Then she had searched the woods but after looking for almost three hours, she had given up. He wasn't answering his phone either.

"No, I'm not okay and I have no idea what's going on inside Tyler's head, but I really don't wanna talk about it, okay?" Caroline sent her a determined look and then sat down in the sofa across hers. Elena nodded and fell back into her seat.

"So help... where did you get that fabulous idea, Blondie?" Damon said, returning from a place deep inside himself. He walked over to a small table and poured himself a glass of bourbon, receiving a worried look from Elena.      

"We need help... from the Original vampires. That is our only chance to take out Silas. We've tried everything else! I cannot let anymore die in another one of your failed battle plans."

The look that flashed across Damon's face made Caroline regret her last statement about his failed battle plans. Damon had always been fine with collateral damage and never seemed to feel particularly guilty about it, but they had lost more than just collateral damage the past few months.

Damon's system, which gave them the opportunity to attack Silas every time he appeared, had caused too many deaths of witches, humans and vampires.

"So the Originals. As in all three or just Klaus?" Damon said with a pointed lift on an eyebrow. Caroline knew he was lashing out so she took the punch and answered him with a condescending look.

"No, as in all three. It's not that I in anyway want them here, but I can't see any other way to solve this," she explained as she stood up and placed herself with her back at the fireplace. Damon took her place in the sofa and he looked genuinely curious.

"So, what can they do that we haven't already done?" Elena asked, trying to understand what Caroline was thinking.

"Look, I've seen Silas invade Klaus' mind and it was seriously scary... and weird." 

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now