Tough love - Part two

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"Your father hunted you for a millennium and all you were ever told was how much of an abomination you were. And now you think that if you don't care, you won't get hurt if your own son one day betrays you. I'm going to tell you something and you are going to listen very carefully. First of all: stop being such an idiot.

"Right now, nothing in the world can love and trust you as much as that child will, if you just let him. I'm not saying that you have to go to every football game or whatever, but you can't be like your father, Klaus. Because then Henrik will become your greatest weakness. You can't punish the child for being born, just like your father punished you.

"Secondly: I'm sure Elijah already told you this but I have a feeling it hasn't gotten through your thick skull; Love is not a weakness. Love is what makes us human and I know that you'll never admit it, but our humanity is what makes us strong. Our humanity is what keeps us alive even though we are dead. You think you lost your humanity a long time ago but I know it's in there. I've seen it. Loneliness and fear doesn't make us strong, it makes us weak."

Caroline took a deep breath and looked Klaus in the eyes. His jaw and fists were clenched, his upper body stiff and his mouth a thin, straight line. But his eyes were filled with emotion. Caroline quickly returned to her plate and began eating to give him time. She had just dropped another load of her brutal honesty, as he called it, and with no way to let out his anger, she knew there was a fight going on inside him.

She had finished her meal and most of the wine bottle on the table, when he finally seemed to return again. His mouth was still a thin line, but his fists and jaw were no longer clenched and he seemed to look at her with less restrained anger in his eyes.

"Is it my turn to ask my question now?" he asked, breaking the silence between with a surprisingly hoarse voice. Caroline just sent him a small smile and shook her head. "I think I still have two questions left."

He was clearly getting tired of this game but a deal was a deal and she would make him lay in the bed he made himself. He was looking at her with his eyebrows lightly raised, perhaps expecting another punch like the one he had just received.

"If you could, would you make more hybrids?" Caroline finally asked. She had discussed the questions inside her head while Klaus had been silent but had decided that even though Katherine had still been a vampire, she really wanted to know.

She could see how relieved he was for a second before he composed himself and answered her question.

"I believe I've learned my lesson, love. What use are they, if all they do is plotting my demise?" he said with bitterness in his voice. He had given them a gift, given them the choice to only shift when they wanted to and yet, they had all betrayed him. And Caroline's boyfriend had been their leader. A small smile appeared on his lips as he thought about their break-up.

"What about Henrik?" Caroline asked slowly. She saw how Klaus' hardened slightly but there was also confusion to be seen.

"What about him, love?" Klaus sighed.

"If you could, would you make him a hybrid?"

Klaus suddenly seemed to disappear into his own thoughts and it was clear that he never considered it before. When he looked her once more, he still hadn't made a decision.

"I'm not sure."

"I see." was all Caroline said and emptied her glass once again.

She knew that it was his turn to ask her a question and she suddenly became nervous. What if he asked her something she didn't know the answer to yet? Like her feelings for him. They had definitely changed somehow, but to what she was not sure. She didn't hate him anymore, but that didn't mean that she was suddenly in love with him. He was still Klaus Mikaelson, the big bad hybrid.

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