The Devil's Maker

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Caroline started awake as she heard someone turning the doorknob and quickly flew from her bed to stand behind the door. As the door opened slowly, Caroline held her breath and prepared herself to run. She had no idea who it was but all of her fears suddenly came to life. It could be Marcel, who had found out that she was working with Elijah. Or it could be Silas, who had learned she was in New Orleans. Or it could be...

"Caroline, get dressed. I will be back to speak with you in ten minutes." Elijah's voice made her exhale in relief and she felt a sudden need to smack him across the face for scaring her.

Elijah closed the door as he exited the room and Caroline took a moment to calm down completely before she got dressed. Then she called Elijah's name, thinking he would be close enough to hear her. A sound from the balcony made her turn and she wasn't surprised to see Elijah standing outside.

"Couldn't this have waited until I was actually awake and dressed?!" Caroline said as she opened the door and let Elijah inside. He sat down in the chair by the door and crossed his legs without answering.

"I wanted to make sure everything went as it should last night. And that you are ready for tonight," Elijah said in a tone that didn't hide his indifference to her general state of undress or conciousness.

"I guess it went fine. And I'm so ready to get this done with. That Marcel guy is seriously creepy," Caroline said with a tired voice. Her comment made Elijah smile as if what she said was funny and Caroline held back an irritated sigh.

"And Klaus will be back tomorrow?" Caroline asked, sounding a bit too casual. Elijah simply nodded as if he didn't notice her attempt to act like she didn't care.  

"I have another question. How did you know that I've already met Marcel?" Caroline said with a feeling that she already knew the answer. Elijah had probably followed her after she left the bar to make sure she went home.

"I did not follow you if that is what you believe. I was talking to him, when he noticed you walking alone on the street. Marcel has this... test. If you are brave, you live. If you get scared, well, I believe you understand the concept," Elijah said without showing any emotion. Total stone face as always.

Caroline felt grossed out at the thought of her having to be close to him again. She just had to get the night over with and then she could back to Silas. Why did that sound better?

After a strange but friendly chat with Elijah, he finally left and Caroline fell onto her bed. There was something about Elijah, which always made her tense and slightly uncomfortable. She wasn't afraid of dying by his hands anymore, but there was something luring under the surface of his politeness which scared the hell out of her.

Caroline lay in the bed for half an hour, staring at the ceiling in order to collect her thoughts. Klaus would arrive in New Orleans tomorrow and possibly with Hayley. The man, who was supposedly in love with her, had moved on and it hurt Caroline more than she cared to admit.

It was six months since she had seen him last but if she closed her eyes, she could still feel his lips on her cheek and Caroline had to sigh loudly to release the tension that was building in her body.

This is ridiculous, Caroline. Klaus has clearly moved on. Besides, you kinda have to date his friend – protégé? – now, so maybe it's all for the better that Klaus doesn't care.

What if he still cares?

Caroline had asked herself that every hour since she had arrived in New Orleans and still had no good answer. Caroline was single now and free to be with whoever she wanted. But who did she want?

Caroline spent the rest of her day wandering around the Quarter as she secretly searched for wherever the Mikaelsons were living. She assumed they lived together as they did in Mystic Falls and couldn't help searching for a big mansion. After walking around the city for a couple of hours, a depressing thought hit her: what if Klaus was living with Hayley somewhere separate from the others?

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