A broken heart

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"What do you want Silas?" she asked with her chin lifted defiantly. 

"Oh, I just wanna chat, Caroline. Would you believe me if I said I missed your radiant company?" he said, smiling casually with his hands in his pockets.

He was teasing her, making her remember as if she could forget, all the hours she'd spent with him, thinking he was Stefan. "No, I don't. Where have you put Stefan?" she replied.

"I told you already, Caroline. I've killed him," he said patiently. 

"And I've told you, I don't believe you!" she hissed at him, and he shook his head with a laugh as if she was just joking with him. Then he looked up and Caroline knew what had caught his attention. 

"Your boyfriend is awake, which means another fun evening of snapping all your necks. Aren't you growing a little tired of this, Caroline? Trying to capture me but always failing. And besides Bonnie, how many dead witches now? Five? So including the twelve witches you killed for me that is seventeen dead witches all on your account, Caroline. You see, Klaus is right. You are the same."

Silas had moved away from the door but without taking his eyes of her. She knew what he was doing and wanted nothing else than to tell him to get out of her head, but she had to keep him there until the others came.

"Oh, and here comes the cavalry," Silas said without turning around to look at the people approaching behind him on the lawn. "Damon, so good to see you!" 

"Silas, buddy! Say, what would you say to just standing completely still and letting us kill you?" Damon called out, charming as ever. "See, I kinda miss my baby brother so if you could just give him back and then let us kill you, it would be perfect!"

Silas laughed at him and Caroline saw the brief moment of agony in Damon's face; hearing his brother laughing without actually hearing his brother laugh. The laughter stopped as a sharp wooden stake was thrown past her and right toward Silas' heart.

He caught it in mid-air and before anyone could do anything, it had left a gaping hole through Caroline's stomach. Surprised she stumbled over the threshold, hearing screams and necks snapping until she walked right into his arms.

But this time it wasn't Stefan who smiled down at her. Caroline managed to whisper a single word before realising it just was another trick. 

"Klaus..." and then he punched his fist through her chest, squeezing her heart. 

"Sorry, love," Silas said with a dimpled smile so familiar it hurt. Then he ripped her heart out.       


Caroline blinked a couple of times, realising she was still alive and laying on a sofa.

"Morning, Blondie." Damon smiled at her, making his grey eyes light up and emptied the glass he was holding. 

"Want some?" he said, offering her to take the glass as she sat up.

"I really don't feel like drinking right now, Damon." Caroline said, searching the room for Tyler. 

"Relax, Caroline. I meant blood. But hey, if you're not thirsty..." he teased, ignoring her bad mood. 

"Damon, just give me the blood, will you? You can be such an ass, you know?" She sighed, reaching out her hand to accept the glass he poured her.

"You mean bad," he said with a glimpse in his eyes and that special Damon smirk. 

"Huh?" Caroline muttered and emptied the glass in one take. 

"Badass," Damon corrected her as he sat down in the sofa beside her. She ignored him and got up to fill her glass again.

"Speaking of bad..." he said, making Caroline turn towards him to see the mischiveous look in his eyes. 

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now