The King of New Orleans

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Caroline turned on the bar stool to face the entrance and the Original vampire, who was standing right in front of it. The Original gentleman, Elijah Mikaelson. Not quite the Original she was hoping to find but still better than Rebekah.

Elijah was looking at her with surprise but there was also a look in his eyes, which told her he wasn't exactly thrilled to see her. Well, they had never really spoken to each other before and Caroline had rejected his brother on a regular basis while he lived in Mystic Falls so Caroline couldn't really blame him.

Camille broke the tense silence that had followed Elijah's entrance.

"Well, I don't really know where Klaus is but ta-da! His brother is here. Who you already seem to know..." Camille trailed off, not knowing what to say and quickly switcheds topics. "Elijah, what can I get you?"

"I'll just take whatever she's having, thank you," He said as he placed himself besides Caroline without sitting down. Camille looked at him with doubt for a second, speculating whether she should warn him about the blonde's drink or not and then decided he could handle it.

While she poured him a glass, she took a closer look at the blonde, who now had Elijah's full attention. She looked quite young and Camille knew she probably wasn't twenty-one but the girl had looked like she could use a drink so Camille had thought what-the-hell.

She was genuinely beautiful and had a certain brightness about it. There was something in her eyes that made her look a lot older than she was, but then something would quickly shift and make her look very young instead. 

The bartender placed the glass in front of Elijah and Caroline watched him grimace briefly at the taste of the drink. Caroline saw how Camille tried to hide her smile and felt the corner of her mouth twitch.

"Elijah," Caroline said, realising she hadn't said a word since he entered the bar.

"You're here," he simply stated and sent her a smile. His statement confused Caroline and made her wonder if he'd known she was coming all along.

"I'm here," Caroline confirmed with hesitation in her voice and threw her hands in the air in an awkward gesture.

"I believe I've lost a bet then," he stated once more, mostly talking to himself. Caroline stared at him for a moment until she belatedly realised what he was thinking. With wide eyes and ill-hidden desperation, Caroline tried to explain.

"No, no, no! I'm not here. I'm just here- I, we, need your help, as in all of you. That's why I'm here, the only reason," she rambled on in an attempt to convince the Original vampire of her intentions. Elijah looked at her and his dark eyes showed his amusement.

"I see," he said slowly as if he was making sure she understood that he understood. "You need our help? I thought you were glad that we left." 

Caroline didn't know what to answer without insulting him so she decided to try another angle.

"Is Klaus here?" she asked, making a hard-to-read smile appear on Elijah's lips.

"Niklaus is... otherwise engaged at the time. Why do you need our help, Caroline?" Elijah said firmly. Caroline sensed his impatience even though it didn't show and decided to get right to the point.

"Silas is back. And we can't kill him. We've tried everything but we aren't strong enough. We need your strength. I know this is a lot to ask but I promise you as soon he is done with us, he's coming for you."

Elijah watched her for a moment, deciding whether or not he should help the blonde vampire and her pesky friends. He didn't quite understand this infatuation his brother had with her as she seemed almost silly at times. She was young, too young. Admittedly, she was beautiful and Elijah found her loyalty admirable.

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