Puppy love

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Caroline was standing in front of the fireplace, facing Elijah and Rebekah as she told them about the plan she had conducted. She had glanced at Elijah for a second and saw something change in his posture. He turned his head lightly to the side as if he was listening for something and without meaning to, Caroline widened her senses to listen for the sound, Elijah was apparently hearing.

… your help. Can you come up here?” Hayley’s voice rang in her ears and once again Caroline felt a stone fall to the pit of her stomach. Elijah met her eyes instantly and he knew that she had heard what he had. The others quickly noticed the weird tension between the two but before anyone could say anything, Caroline beat them to it.

“So Hayley is here.” she said with a voice that didn’t sound like her own. She could clearly hear how her attempt to be cheerful and curious failed and it instead sounded like she was out of breath. Klaus’ eyes shifted from Elijah and back to her and she saw how the whole of his body stiffened.

“I believe that is our cue to leave.” Elijah said in a calm voice as he stood up from the sofa and started walking out of the room. He turned around in the doorway, when he realised that his sister hadn’t moved. Rebekah was still sitting in the sofa, her eyes shifting between Caroline and Klaus, with a devilish smile on her face.

“Rebekah.” Elijah warned her with a firm voice that made his sister sigh loudly before she got up and followed her brother. They closed the doors behind them as they left and Klaus and Caroline were suddenly alone. Caroline couldn’t get herself to look at him and an awkward silence covered the room.

“Caroline…” Klaus started with a voice that sounded… sad? He moved from the fireplace, where he had been standing behind her to stand in front of her and the only thing Caroline could do, was smile at him.

“I already knew, actually. How long has she been here?” Caroline said and heard how her attempt to sound cheerful failed. For some reason, she couldn’t get herself to ask how long they had been together.

“Who told you?” Klaus asked with a low voice without answering her question. There was something in his eyes that looked angry. Why was it important who told her?

“Uhm… Tyler did. Hayley called him and said she was here.” Caroline said and immediately regretted it when she saw the look in his eyes. Why was he so angry?

“I told her not to…”Klaus said through his teeth, cutting his sentence in half. He was staring at the ceiling and Caroline realised that he was angry with Hayley.

This doesn’t make any sense.

“I’m sorry, love.” Klaus continued and now it was Caroline’s turn to feel angry. Was he really going to apologize for being with Hayley? Perhaps it was the phone call he was apologizing for, which was just as ludicrous.

“It’s not your fault that she called him, is it? Besides, you don’t owe me any explanation. So you and Hayley are together? Didn’t see that coming but you are free to do as you please, Klaus. Really.” Caroline said and did her best to sound okay with it all. She even managed to send him and smile that told him that exact thing but something in his eyes confused her.

He was looking at her, seemingly confused by her words. Then a small smile appeared on his lips as soon as he understood what she was talking about. The second after the smile disappeared and instead he sent her a look full of regret.

What the hell is going on?

“What did Tyler tell you, love?”

“That Hayley was with you. But we didn’t really talk about it. Other… things got in the way.” Caroline said with hesitation as she thought of the fight they had had afterwards. She wasn’t going to tell Klaus about that.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now