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"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity."

- Henry Van Dyke


Caroline fell back on her bed with no idea what to do of herself as she thought about what had just happened. The kiss between her and Klaus had been more than just a distraction to get them thinking of something else and she felt more confused than ever.

All the feelings that had stirred inside her since their trip to Spain had, within the last hours, multiplied and no matter how hard she tried to forget them, she wasn’t able to get rid of them. She let her fingertips brush over her lips for a moment and before she could stop herself, a smile had spread across her face.

Stop it, Caroline! Stop acting like a fool! He is Klaus, for God’s sake. Nothing good can ever come out of this. Although, he has changed. And that kiss… No! I can’t do this to Tyler! I’m not that kind of person to do something like that to my friend. I would hate myself for it. And probably Klaus too if we ever… No! Jeez, Caroline, what a friend you are!

Oh my God! Tyler!

Caroline interrupted her chain of thought as she suddenly remembered that her ex-boyfriend was missing and quickly pulled out her phone. She dialled Tyler’s number that she knew by heart and felt how her heart beats fastened as she waited for him to answer. 

Caroline.” Silas said in the other end and Caroline abruptly stood up from the bed.

“Silas, what have you done to him?”

Oh, so you do care? I was afraid that you would never call and that would be awkward wouldn’t it? But I suppose you were caught up with your other boyfriend. How busy a life you lead, dear.

“Where is he?! Let me talk to him now!” Caroline yelled back, ignoring what he had said.

Don’t be so mad, Caroline. Actually I did you favour.

“You what?” Caroline asked cautiously.

I made you choose. And you chose the Original hybrid without hesitation. Of course, I’m not going to tell Tyler that. That will just break his heart and I’m not that cruel. Or perhaps I am…

“What do you want?” Caroline asked with a low voice in an attempt to keep calm.

You.” Silas said casually.


No need to feel excited, Caroline. I don’t fancy you, although the kiss was nice. I am after your boyfriend and the in-laws. And you will bring them right to me because they will come for you.

“What do you want with them?”

Oh, I just want a little chat. They are so difficult to get a hold of but you already knew that.

“And if I don’t come?”

Don’t disappoint me now, Caroline. We both know what will happen if you don’t come.

Through the phone Caroline heard a loud crack as if something broke and Tyler screamed in pain.

“Okay, okay! I’ll come! Don’t hurt him.”

Clever girl. And Caroline? Don’t think that I don’t know that you are planning something. So don’t be obvious. Come alone to where you killed the twelve witches at noon tomorrow. Midnight and dawn is too cliché if you ask me.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]Where stories live. Discover now