Making A Deal With The Devil

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Vegeta saw me and teleported right next to me and grabbed my right arm.

" Miss me, Katarina?" Vegeta asked as he dragged me closer.

" What do you want from us? We didn't do anything to you... here. I mean, we did cut off your tail, almost killed you, but everything is good. We have only came here for the same purpose " I said, my arm hurting from his vice of a grip.

" I want that Dragon Ball, I have all of them but that one..." He then paused. He had a shocking look on his face. A waterfall of fear rushed down his face, it also made me worry. I sensed a few strong power levels, they were crazy powerful.

" Who is that Vegeta?"

He looked at me and went frantic on me.

" It can't be! It can't be!"

" It can't be what?"

" The Ginyu Force! They cannot be here! They are really strong, they are stronger than me when I was on Earth."

" Like how strong?" I said as Vegeta looked at me.

" Take the power I had on Earth, and times it by 100."
I looked at him, his eyes were filled with fear and anger too.

" Katarina, I am willing to forge an alliance with you and your pathetic friends." Vegeta told me as he let go of me little be little.

" Ok, I will accept this if you don't decide to walk out on us. You need to give me your word that means a lot to you, something that if you broke it you would regret for the rest of your life and even the after life." I told him,then he let me go and started speaking.

" I, Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyans promise to be truthful to you for eternity." He then shook my hand and kissed it too.

Wow... a gentleman, what will he do next? Wait a moment...

Did I just make a deal with the Saiyan version of the Devil?

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