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I saw Goku, engulfed my a sun sized ball of energy!

"Goku!!!!" I yelled and screamed, my eyes producing waterfalls of tears.

"You can't die on me, not ever!!" I was about to use instant transmission until a blue light surrounded Goku's body. I then heard a scream from Goku, he screamed like he had never screamed before.

Then his hair turned red then back to black. I flew to him, he looked like pretty rough.

"Well, you are quite a strong warrior. You are the second strongest foe I have ever faced." Beerus said and then Goku had to open his big mouth.

"Only second?! Come on?! Wait, who is the first?" Goku said and then Beerus pointed to his servant.

"See my servant over there enjoying that ice cream sundae over there?" And we all looked at him and he blushed and put the ice cream and spoon behind his back.

"Well, he was my teacher."

"Your teacher?! So the strongest is Whis?!" Both Goku and I said, and Whis was blushing even more.

"Well... maybe someday Goku you can be Goku the destroyer after Beerus." Whis said and Beerus cleared his throat loudly at the thought.

"No, I am just going to stay Earth's protector." Goku said. Anyway, you are not going to blow up the Earth, are you?"

"A god has to keep his word..." Beerus said, then Goku was bummed out. "Oh... I understand." Then Goku fainted...

Beerus took a hold of him and Whis flew to me. Then we flew back down to Earth together.

Once we got down to Earth, everyone panicked.

"I have to destroy Earth... I need to keep my word." And he had a purple ball of energy in his hand and about to get rid of our world. Then I stepped in front of all my friends.

"I won't let you do this, Beerus." He then looked like he was about to release the ball ...

He threw it into a big piece of rock.

"Well, you certainly destroyed Earth, my lord. A little piece." Whis said smiling.

"I will spare the rest for awhile I guess." Beerus said, which then Bulma came up to him.

"Next time you come, don't start this over a pudding cup. I will fill the whole pool with pudding if you like. But when you try it, don't say how much you don't like it." And everyone laughed.

We then went back to Bulma's for a night of partying. Beerus and Whis were about to leave. I was going to say goodbye.

"Take care Lady Katarina, if you would like, I can teach you about your new power." And he saw my pin in my hand.

"Take that pin and place it in you hair in the back." I did and I was back in my regular clothes again. "You can perfect it, I know it." Whis said, smiling at me. "Thank you, take care." And I gave Whis a little kiss on the cheek and he blushed so much.

"Uh...umm... I hope we meet... I mean see... oh..."

"Seeing you again would be wonderful, Whis. Take care..." and they left, Whis waving at me as he went, he was blushing harder than ever.

Near the pool, Goku and Vegeta were talking, Vegeta was all red.

"Why did you kiss that blue freak!??!?!" He yelled at me.

"I gave him a little goodbye kiss on the cheek... it's not like I made out with him." And then Vegeta kissed me on the lips... so childish... but I missed kissing him...
That spark was still there...

Then Bulma was coming, thank goodness Vegeta was done with his revenge kiss.

"You know, Vegeta, we just need to slap Bulma more times and you will get stronger. 'THATS MY BULMA!!!!' " Goku imitated Vegeta and Vegeta was mad. Wait! Goku was here when Vegeta went full rampage mode?!

"I thought you were not here yet." Piccolo said and we were all mad.

"Bulma, I think Kakarot deserves some of your signature slaps." Vegeta said and Bulma was glad to.

"With pleasure!" And I heard Goku yell and Bulma's slaps. That will teach him...

The Story of Katarina, the Saiyan Girl [DBZ Awards]Where stories live. Discover now