Finally Coming home!

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Its been a long time since I have been home. Now that the important battles are over, I can finally show my true self.

Well, I arrived on Earth, finally...

I wasn't sure where I was but, I finally found my way. I went to Goku's, but I couldn't tell Chi-Chi or anyone where he was. When I arrived, I walked in the door, and Chi-Chi was surprised.

"AKARI! You are alive! Where is Goku?" Chi-Chi said as she gave me a big hug. "I...I don't know where he is Chi-Chi, I am so sorry. Where ever he is, I know he will come home soon." I said as I hugged Chi-Chi. Then she let go of me and Gohan then flew and gave me a hug.

"Aunt Akari!  You're back!!!" Then he let go of me as he already knew my brother didn't come with me.

"I bet Miss Bulma would like to see you again, Aunt Akari." He told me, which then I thought, where would Vegeta be?

I then took off to go to Bulma's. Which I really did want to see Bulma. As I flew I thought for a moment, would Vegeta ever care about me like I really cared about him on Namik. I wouldn't know until I saw him.

Once I was at Bulma's I saw Bulma, she then was ecstatic when she saw me. She gave me a big hug, she felt different to me, but she didn't look different.

"Thank goodness you are alive! I missed you so much." Bulma said as she looked at me, a big smile on her face.

"Anything happen while I was gone?" I asked then Bulma turned red, that was a sign she was about to lie...

"No nothing really... Vegeta trained too hard and got hurt..." Bulma said, her face still red.

"Is Vegeta ok? I need to know, because... I think I am in love with him, Bulma..." I said, tears running down my face, and Bulma had tears in her eyes too.

"Thats wonderful that you found someone to love, Akari. I am proud of you." Bulma said, wiping tears away from her eyes and then she took my hand and was leading me somewhere. She led me to Vegeta, which he was training in some sort of training room.

"Vegeta! You have a visitor!" Bulma yelled, which then Vegeta turned around and saw me.

"Katatrina? You are alive?" Vegeta said as walked toward me then he ran to me.

" I heard you went Super Saiyan, and I heard you cried when I died." Vegeta said as he then gave me a big hug. Which then led to something I never though would happen, a kiss.

He kissed me!


This seemed like a dream. Vegeta then moved away, then he looked at me.
"I did so much to you and your family, and now you love me when we got to know each other on Namik. I guess better late then never..." Vegeta said, which made me feel so weird.

Why did he love me?

Why did I love him?

*Hey Guys!

You can message me with any questions you may have. Plot, characters, anything that has something to do with this story. I may go too fast, but I promise it will be worth it.

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