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I was increadably mad, like insanely mad!

My hair was in its golden spikes, my hair was significantly shorter than regular Super Saiyan. I guess females that turn Super Saiyan their hair is long, but then get shorter as they go up each level. That's my hypothesis, but I couldn't test it on another female Super Saiyan, because, Hello! I am the only one!

Like Tigger... I am the only one.

Well, I am going to get rid of Bubble Gum reject, until he is nothing but ashes.

I brought out my spell book and flipped through its pages. The page was on a flame spell, perfect!

Then I tried to do it but it was harder than I thought... really?!

So I tried a spell I knew from awhile back, but I could never get rusty. I preformed the spell and millions of thorns appeared and then they flew into Buu. He screamed even louder and made a big giant ball of energy. What was he going to do with that... hmmm... let's see... he could
A) destroy the Earth
B) destroy me or
c ) all of the above...

Well, I am defiantly going with C!

He was throwing the ball and then Goku came to the rescue and instant transmissioned Vegeta and I.

Well, we were back to the place of those Kais.

"Well, well, if it isn't Akari, Goku, and Vegeta. Back so soon?" Old Kai joked around.

"Well, the Earth is gone! Of course we are here!!!" I said, which did I mention I was still Super Saiyan 2... yeah... whoops...

"Don't yell at a Kai! Plus, what has gotten into you? You were sweet as can be when you came here before." Old Kai said and I relaxed to let go of Super Saiyan 2.

"Sorry, I was Super Saiyan... sometimes I get a little too emotional..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck like Goku does. Man, I have been hanging out with Goku way too long.

"Well at least you don't burst into flames like Princess Peach in Super Princess Peach..." Vegeta said as he remembered a Nintendo game for some reason... weird...

Anyway, there was an Earth Shattering Kaboom, which destroyed the Earth.

Then Goku was talking with Old Kai and he was smiling after Goku said something then Vegeta must have heard what he said because he said this.

"The person you are talking isn't Bulma, is it?! OH YES IT IS!! WHY DONT YOU LET HIM KISS YOUR WOMAN!!!"

"But your wife is prettier, that's a complement..."

Then I had to get into this conversation.

"I hope Chi-Chi never learns that you said that..."

"Akari! Don't tell Chi-Chi!! She would kill me for sure!!"

"Nice one, Katarina..." said Vegeta as he stood next to me.

"We need to defeat Buu, now! Or Vegeta and I can't be alive again!"

And we all went to find Buu.

When we found him, he was going to be dead meat.

Goku turned Super Saiyan 3... fought Buu for awhile and was not Super Saiyan for some weird reason... then yelled,

"Vegeta and Akari! Distract him so I can make a spirit bomb! Please!!??" Goku pleaded...

So we had to help... like usual...

So Vegeta and I went all tag team on him.

"No one messes with a Saiyan..." I said.

"...and her Prince." Vegeta concluded and we then did a power move we haven't done in awhile.

I magically made vines to wrap up the bad guy and Vegeta would use his Galic gun(or whatever it's called, but he taught me that move too...) and I would make thorns on the vines to dig into the enemy.

We also did another power move that we famously called Fire and Ice, which consisted of me doing ice magic and Vegeta to do the big bang attack.

That was amazing...

Then Goku had his sprit bomb ready and he yelled at us to get out of the way. We both got out of the way and the monster was gone... or so we thought...

The Story of Katarina, the Saiyan Girl [DBZ Awards]Where stories live. Discover now