I've Got To Get Out Of Here!

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After a few moments going though Buu's body, there was so much weirdness!

Why was there worms? I didn't understand this place at all!

We went through and found these pods. These must be the pods the boys are in. It must be!

Goku and Vegeta grabbed the pods, hopefully the boys are ok.

"I wonder if we pull this fat Buu out, what will happen?" Vegeta wondered and he wanted me to that. I did and we all got out of that monster.

Now this pink blob was not much, he looked like a little kid. Hmm... Kid Buu... nice ring to it...

"Why did you take all that energy that I collected?! Now you die!!" Kid Buu said then he started fighting us.

"What's the point, Bubble Gum reject?" I asked and he got mad at me. Then started screaming a high pitched scream. It was so damaging to my ears, it was like nails on a chalk board!

Then Kid Buu kept kicking me, punching me, and I kept blocking. I then kicked him in the face, which that should have left more than a mark.

But, Bubble Gum boy totally came back up like those annoying wack-a-Moles and got me really angry.

"Wanna play, Pinky? Let's play!!" I then screamed to transform to super Saiyan 2 and I was ready for that pink loser.

I kicked him awhile and he kept getting madder and madder. He couldn't stop, he was on a rampage.

What should we do?

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