In The Beginning...

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Long time ago on the Planet Vegeta, two Saiyans were born. A girl and a boy, the girl was named Katarina and the boy named Kakarot. Two days later their parents saw their children. Gine and Bardock saw the twins next to each other. That same day a few years ago, King Vegeta had told his son,Vegeta, that every 100 years a Saiyan girl is born that can turn super Saiyan. Sadly King Vegeta has been dead for awhile.

This day is the day Katarina and Kakarot are being transported to unknown planets.

Katarina was being loaded into a pod, with a golden necklace around her neck. The Saiyan that loaded Katarina into the pod loaded Kakarot in the same pod. The pod was going to be sent to Earth.

The pod then was sent to Earth, and Prince Vegeta watched it go. Frieza saw the Saiyan Rebellion happen, which Bardock started the whole thing. Frieza blew up planet Vegeta in one blast, in a fit of rage. Which Bardock was the first one to be hit.

I never knew that story myself until I was told it when the Saiyans came.

Hi! I am Akari! Or Katararina as some people are calling me these days...

So I will truly introduce myself since I am breaking the forth wall. I am a Saiyan, if you didn't notice the title... But I am really unique... I am one and only female to be able turn Super Saiyan! Yeah... you will discover this after a few chapters...

I also can manipulate magic, a totally awesome thing indeed! I am sometimes considered a little stronger than my brother, but he one ups me after awhile. I also love to sing, make treats, cook, and use my magic.

Now, if anyone messes with my family or my friends, they will get this Saiyan's Fury! Well, look at the time, I better stop messing with the forth wall and get back to this story... now where was I...

Oh yeah...

The Story of Katarina, the Saiyan Girl [DBZ Awards]Where stories live. Discover now