The Past Haunts Me

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I then start to think about my past, the day I learn magic, a day I will never forget.

It was the day I met Mr. Popo... when I was a little girl...

I was in the forest, like usual, and was looking like it was about to rain that day. I was near that place I never really knew, which I learned later was the lookout. I couldn't get back, because I was lost...

I screamed for help, my voice becoming more shrill as I screamed. Then someone in a magic carpet found me. "Are you ok, little girl? Are you hurt?"

"I am so scared, I am lost, I don't know what to do, it's dark, about to rain..." I said, my voice hoarse.

"Don't worry, come with me and tomorrow I can take you back to your house. It's too late tonight miss." And he took my hand and I went on the magic carpet with Mr. Popo.

"What is your name?" I asked

"I am Mr. Popo, at your service miss. And what is your name, miss?" Mr. Popo asked me, I was kinda nervous.

"My name is Akari..." I said, a little shy, and then it started raining, the cold rain felt very chilly, I was shivering.

"Here miss Akari, this might help." As Mr. Popo had a umbrella, which was kinda wierd. "Thanks..."

I opened the umbrella and the rain didn't make me wet any longer, which was a relief. Then we all got to the lookout, the place I hadn't been before back then.

"Kami, this girl was in the woods, she is quite a shy one. She will be staying tonight, if that is alright."

"Its fine, Mr.Popo, she needs to get out of the rain. May I ask your name, little one?" Kami asked me

"My name...sir... is... Akari..." I said and he smiled at me. "Its nice to meet you, Akari." And he then magically had something in his hand. "Whoa!! That is so cool! Can you teach me?!" I asked, excited.

"You can, but you would have to carry a big responsibility. This can be a blessing and a curse. You need to be able to wield magic. We need to know if you can handle it."

I was then taken to a room, a very big room. It had several relics, and there was a dark crystal and a white crystal

"The white crystal has the ability to give the purest magic. The dark crystal to magic wielders can make another personality, a completely different person. Never touch the dark crystal if you become a magic wielder, it can ultimately kill you if you hold it too long. It has many mysterious powers, it can create a evil version of you. This is a very mysterious crystal indeed. I only know from the scrolls up here."

Then Kami took me to the white crystal, it's white glow was beautiful.
"Touch this crystal and if you can truly wield magic, it will give the magic you need. It can also be passed from generation to generation. So if you have a little one of your own, you can pass it down, if that little one could handle magic."

Then I touched the crystal, it stung at first and then it felt wonderful. I felt a strange, but it was a good strange. Then I backed up and accidently hit the dark crystal, breaking it into shards. Then the shards spun around and around and scattered like the Dragon Balls.

I then saw dark visions, my first visions. They haunted me, it alerted me of the future that I thought would never happen, that Grandpa Gohan would die because of Goku and I. I saw so many torchering images in my head. Even my brother's death...

Then Kami came to me and tried to take the images away. He successfully did and then they came back all these years later... to tell me something...

"Akari, it's ok. That dark crystal will never bother you again. As long you stay away from it and keep up your magic training, you will be ok. You will become a magic wielder." Kami told me all those years ago. I truly believed him... I needed to stop that dark crystal. I needed to stop my dark self, even if I have to sacrifice myself...

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