Let's End This Fight!

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Dark Katarina is getting on my nerves...

"Come get me, let's see what you are made of!" I said as I ran and attacked. I used my magic to make vines and wrapped her up. She then screamed a nails on a chalkboard scream. I just didn't like her at all.

"I was in you all along, Akari, if you distroy me, you will be destroying yourself." She said and I bluntly put it this way.

"You are not me at all!! You may come from me, but you will never be me. Plus, if you were me, I wouldn't even want to see my own reflection in the morning." I said and sent her flying into a mountain.

"You will pay!" And she used Vegeta's move.

"Don't use that against me, faker! Plus, you leave yourself wide open too much." And I kicked her and she was sent flying.

"Who do you think killed Harmony!? You did it!" The dark one said and I got mad on that.

"Don't being her into this! Cell killed her! She wanted to be sacrificed!" And then Goku came close... darn... I didn't want to tell Goku and everyone now!

"Who is Harmony?" Goku asked and Vegeta was sweating bullets. "I...I...I..."

"Go ahead tell them, you lied to them for so long, they should know..." the dark me said and I didn't want to say anything when Trunks is there...

"Vegeta! Take Trunks and Goten home, it's too dangerous!" And Vegeta did and the boys went with him.

"Answer me, Sis! Who is Harmony?" Goku was getting mad...

"Harm...Harm...Harmony was my... my... ba...ba...baby..." and he looked at me wide eyed. "You are...!?"

"No... Goku... I am not... I was... during the Cell Games..." and the Dark Katarina got my hair and sent me flying into the hard surface of the Lookout.

"Well, you finally let the cat out of the bag. Now you will finally rest in peace."

"Not unless you are coming with me!!" And I used my magic to get the dark crystal and hit Dark Katarina with it. She was cracking, like she was made of glass.

I was painfully holding dark gem in my hands. Vegeta returned and I was weakening. The dreams of the worst times of my life flashed before my eyes... they were haunting me!

Then Vegeta took the gem and threw it at the cracking Katarina and she fell apart.

I fell too...

I woke up to my bed... everyone surrounding me, the boys were not there but everyone else was.

"You never told me you had a daughter?" Goku said as I looked at me and I started to tear.

"I never got to have her... Cell kicked me in the stomach to make me have a miscarriage... I should have never gone. But Harmony used my magic to contact me and tell me to go to the fight and well... try to fight... but I just wanted to stand by the side lines! I don't want you to be mad at me... please guys..."

Then everyone just sat there... then Goku gave me a hug.

"You should have told me that day, I would have protected you..." and I cried and he cried too...

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