Where Are We?

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Goku had transported us to some place, which I didn't know where. Then set us down, and I met up with a young purple guy with a mohawk and a old man of the same shade of purple with only like 3 teeth in his head.

"Who is this Goku?" The old man sputtered and I looked at Goku.

"Sorry... this is my sister, Akari." Goku said and rubbed the back of his head.

"It's nice to meet you..." I said and he bowed to me.

"I am the Elder Kai, or Old Kai you can say. Over there is supreme kai." He said and I smiled.

"Its nice to meet you both. Now what was this technique you were talking about?" I asked and Goku smiled a great big smile and showed me the dance. It wasn't complicated at all, well I didn't think.

"Goku, there is no way, Akari could fuse with anyone." He yelled at Goku.

"I can fix that, just let me refer to my Handy Dandy Spell Book here." I said and I flipped through the pages of my spell book. Nope, oh well.

"I guess I will just have to watch you guys fuse." I said and Vegeta was resisting procedure.

"I AM NOT FUSING WITH THIS CLOWN!!! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Vegeta yelled, and I was surprised I wasn't deaf after that.

Then we didn't have a choice but to go back... back to Earth.

We were transported back and Goku, Vegeta and I looked down at Buu. He was evil looking. He had a orange gi like...GOHAN!! NO!!! THAT MONSTER HAS GOHAN!!!!

Then Goku had something in his hands.

"What's that?" I asked and he ignored me and thrusted his hand to Vegeta with something in it.

"Vegeta, put this on your ear, this is the only way we can fuse and we can defeat Buu."

"As I have said before, I am not, I repreat, not going to fuse with you. Why not fuse with Katarina?" Vegeta said and I grabbed Vegeta.

"You know as much as I do that I can't fuse with any of you! You have got to fuse to help out the boys! This is the only way we are going to be able to even help them out of Buu."

Then Vegeta looked at me and turned around.

"Come on, Vegeta! Trunks is in that blob! We need to get them out, and fast." Goku said, still holding out his hand.

"Ok, I will probably regret this..." Vegeta said and put the ear ring on.

"Ok, I got it on, now what?"

Then they started to fuse, without the fusion dance. I saw a brand new guy, Vegito.

Then he came up to me, and shook my hand, what a grip!!

"Well, Katarina, I guess I may regret this... but I don't really know. It seems I have more control than Kakarot." Vegito said, even their voices were mixed within each other, which was insane!

"Well, come on Katarina! Let's go!"

I started battling Buu first and then he used his body to suck me up too!

The Story of Katarina, the Saiyan Girl [DBZ Awards]Where stories live. Discover now