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"Ok, Lord Beerus is the God of Distruction. If he even gets a funny look he will get mad and destroy the universe." King Kai said as my Brother and I ate a little snack.

"So, why are you worried about him?" I asked, which is probably the dumbest question of all.

"Why wouldn't I be worried?! He can stop you in one move! You guys should be scared too!" King Kai yelled at me and then Goku didn't pay attention.

"I would love to spar with him..."

"Are you crazy, Goku?!" King Kai said as he was freaking out. Then Goku remembered something.

"Oh no! I forgot it's Bulma Birthday!! She is going so be so mad!!!" Goku said and King Kai was freaking out.

"Something is coming!!"

"Why is Bulma coming here?!" Goku asked and I face palmed... really Goku... but I also laughed after he said that.

"Not her!" King Kai said, "Beerus is coming!"

"Weird, I can't sense him." Goku said and then King Kai freaked out again.

"You can't sense the presence of Deides!"

Then King Kai made us go into his little house before Beerus arrived.

Then he arrived, he looked very important. Then this purple hairless cat was behind him.

"Wait?! That is Beerus?!" Both Goku and I said at the same time. And we knew who Beerus was. He was like a big purple hairless house cat. Then King Kai wanted us then.

We both ran out and Goku had his usual greeting.

"Hi! My name is Goku I am a Saiyan... Ow!" King Kai pulled Goku away. He told him he was old enough to offer a proper greeting. Which then I took the time to introduce myself properly.

"Hello, my name is Akari, I am a Saiyan of Earth. Please to meet you." I said and they smiled, especially this guy that was blue with white hair.

"My name is Whis, it's nice to meet you Lady Katarina." He said, smiling at me.

"How did you know my Saiyan name?" I asked Whis and he smiled again.

"I know a lot about all of the Saiyans. I could explain if I see you again." Then Goku came to give his "Proper" greeting.

"Hello... I am..Sir Goku...Sir...it is a pleasure for you to meet me.. sir." Then I face palmed again.

"Like wise... have you ever heard about something of a Super Saiyan God?" Beerus asked Goku and he looked at him.

"Well I know about regular old Super Saiyan... but Super Saiyan God ain't ringing any bells dude..." and King Kai gave Goku a look then he went to his awkword state again.

"I mean... no Sir, I haven't Sir..."

"And how about you, Miss? Have you heard of Super Saiyan God?" Beerus asked me.

"No, if I did Sir, I would tell you what I know. I am sorry, lord Beerus."

"You are such a polite girl for a Saiyan... are you sure you are a Saiyan?" Beerus asked me and I turned Super Saiyan in a flash.

"Yes, I am very sure. I am a Saiyan, I can turn Super Saiyan." And then I relaxed.

"And my you look beautiful in your Saiyan form, Lady Katarina." Whis complemented me.

"Why thank you, Whis." I said, I haven't got a compliment since I was with Vegeta. I also blushed when Whis complimented me. Then my brother asked Beerus to have a spar match. Which then Whis stood next to me and we watched.

"So, that is your brother over there? You look similar but you act so different..." Whis told me as Beerus and Goku started battling. Goku powered up to Super Saiyan 3 and went all out.

"I mean yeah, we look the same, but we are different people. Twins are not exactly the same." I said and Whis smiled and laughed a cute little laugh.

"I see, so you are twins... how did you stay together? All the Saiyans were put into separate pods I assume."

"Yeah, they were, but not Goku and I. A Saiyan with a heart kept us together."

"You are very interesting, Lady Katarina. You can turn Super Saiyan. No Saiyan women could do that ever."

"Yeah, I was part of a prophecy, that's what they say..." then my brother was out cold by Beerus' one hit.

"Alright, we are out of here. Whis, let's go find other Saiyans." Beerus said and then Whis nodded his head.

"Lady Katarina, I hope we meet again. It would be wonderful to see you again." And he kissed my hand and headed off, to Earth I believe.

"Goku! You are an idiot sometimes, you know that?" I said as I looked at Goku in a crater. He was lucky to be alive.

"King Kai! I am going to Earth. Make sure Goku doesn't try anything stupid..." I said and I used instant transmission to go to Earth.

The Story of Katarina, the Saiyan Girl [DBZ Awards]Where stories live. Discover now