What A Chance!

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I was shocked, if I helped defeat Buu, Vegeta and I will become alive again! And I will still have my extra life!

"Thank you King Yemma, we will do our best! But we might need another friend to accompany us." I said and King Yemma looked at me with a questionable look.

"Who are you talking about?"

"I want my brother,Goku, please."

"Are you serious, Katarina?! Bring the Clown with us?! We can take care of Buu ourselves..."

"But if you remember right, we blew up for nothing here! I was about to waste my life on you to go back. That's what I wanted to do in the first place. Either that or give it to Goku."

"You are meaning, you would trade your life for mine... why? Why do you even still care about me?! I have... I have..."

"Been a jerk, I know. But I will be with you always. Even if you are the biggest jerk in the world, the universe even, I will try to make you back the way you were."



"You really made me think clearly after our little battle... and why did you call it 'shooting yourself in the foot'?"

"If I would have done more to hurt you, it wouldn't help my case. You are important to me. We are the bestest of friends. That's what friends do, they protect each other..."

"And past lovers?"

"Yeah, I guess you can say that..."

Then King Yemma looked at us weird, at first we were fighting, the next we are at the point of a kissing scene. That was me and Vegeta in a nutshell...

"We'll just go out for a little..." I said little awkwardly. Then we both went outside and sat on the steps.

"I can't believe you would give me your life, I don't deserve it."

"Vegeta, you need it more than I do. You have a family that cares about you. I have nothing but the weight of my mistakes on my shoulders. The biggest and only one is losing Harmony."

"Katarina, it wasn't your fault. Don't beat yourself up. Harmony is happy where she is, right?"

"Yeah, but I wish I could have just held her in my arms... I can never do that now..."

"Katarina, you have many people that care about you. Besides Harmony would want you to live your life to the fullest and not drown in sorrow forever."

"I know, Vegeta... but you have a son, he is more important."

"Yes, but you are loved more."

Then we got close and kissed... I missed that spark...

"Heck no, I love you."

And I kissed him again, feeling kinda guilty but Bulma wouldn't mind...

I hope...

"Ready to go back to Earth, Vegeta?"

"That is if you are coming too."

The Story of Katarina, the Saiyan Girl [DBZ Awards]Where stories live. Discover now